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I follow Malachi all the way back to Reflection Cave. I don't think he knows I'm behind him right now. He's speed walking towards the area where we found Jasper and Peridot. Averie yelps from behind me and gets Malicai's attention.

"Hey Sienna," he says quickly. He doesn't stop walking.

"Cerise asked me to follow you," I say. "I guess to make sure you're okay? Are you?"

"Not one bit," he says mutters. "Not even close to okay."

"Is it because of Russet?"

"He's part of the reason."

"Then what is the main reason?"

"You'll see if you keep following me." I do keep following him and we end up in the same place Jasper and Peridot were, with a little help from Averie. The ground where Jasper was is stained in a red the color of Russet's hair, contrasting with the deep blue of the dirt.

"So why are we here," I ask, but he doesn't respond.

He seems to be looking for something. He scans the walls, the stones, crevices, until finally he looks up at the ceiling and sees what he's looking for. The ceiling is completely covered in Ferroseed. One in particular is speckled with bright red spots. Malicai's expression hardens and he grabs a rock from nearby. He throws it full force at the blood covered Ferroseed and the dual typed Pokémon comes crashing down. Malicai's face shows nothing but hatred at the small Pokémon.

"What are you about to do," I ask with slight concern.

He keeps staring at the Ferroseed. "This is the real reason why Jasper is in the hospital and Peridot is close to a mental breakdown. Not some stupid argument. This is the real reason!" His voice is raised and tense.

"You shouldn't blame Ferroseed," I offered to calm him down. "Maybe it couldn't help that it fell."

"None of the other ones fell," he says through clenched teeth. "So I'm positive it could!" He kicks the Pokémon into a wall, creating a huge indentation in it. I flinch and Averie cowers behind me.

"Malachi, you shouldn't take out your frustration on a little Pokémon. It couldn't-"

"Why not when it's the fucking reason," he yells as he kicks the Pokémon again. Averie whimpers so I pick her up. I can only imagine how terrified she is.

"Malachi, stop abusing this Pokémon. It hasn't done anything wrong."

"Yes it has," he growls getting in another kick. "It's done everything wrong!"

"No. If anything, you're the one who's doing something wrong."

"Sienna, shut up," he snarls while kicking Ferroseed again.

"Malachi, listen to—"

"I said shut up!" He yells as the Ferroseed comes barreling towards Averie and me. She cries out loudly and jumps from my arms. I yelp and fall to the ground.

Malachi still talking. N-no, he's yelling. He yelling at me! He threatening me! H-he saw what those Pokémon did to Jasper! He wanted to do that to me. Why else would he kick it this way!

He's walking towards me. The look in his eye is... strange. B-but it's a threatening look! Yes! ...Oh no. Dear Arceus, I know what! He's trying to kill me. There's no other explanation. Well then, two can play at that game.

- - - - -

My muscles hurt. My chest feels tight. I'm exhausted and covered in sweat. Sweat and blood. It's on my clothes, making them stick to my body and in my hair, making it clump together. But I'm safe and that's all that matters.

I have a few cuts on my hand from the Ferroseed that I still hold. The spikes on those things are really sharp. Just ask Malachi. Oh wait...you can't. Well, you can but you won't get a response. He's lying at my feet, permanently unconscious. Blood is still leaking from wounds over his body, especially the ones at this head and stomach.

I drop the Ferroseed and go over to Malachi's arm. I pick it up and start dragging him. From the corner of my eye I can see Averie. She's slowly following after me. I can understand that she's still a little shaken from Malicai attacking us.

I drag Malachi quite a ways before I find a suitable spot for his body: a tiny little hole behind a huge rock. I almost walked right passed it but I thought to stop and look. I stuff the body in there and find that it's bigger than I thought. I push him back as far as I can and stand up. Averie is staring at me with a worried look, so I smile.

"It's okay girl," I say coming over to her. I pet her on the top of her head. "We're going to be alright now. I promise." She leads the way as we leave the cave. I pick up Ferroseed to take it to the Pokémon center. First, however, I need to stop at the hotel.

Once I get in town, I don't stop running until I get to my room. I quickly take a shower and change into some black pants and a blue button down shirt. I'll just burn the other clothes. I mean, I could just wash them. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Wash them really well.

I go back to the Pokémon Center and give Nurse Joy Ferroseed. I tell her that it was the one that fell on Jasper and that it looked hurt, which is all true. Just not the whole truth. She accepts it either way and wraps up the cuts on my hand. She tells me that Russet and Cerise went to the gym. I thank her and set off.

When I reach the gym, I see that Cerise had evolved Fyn into a Sylveon. That makes sense since Fairy types are effective against Fighting types. She seems to be doing well, too. Russet occasionally gives her some tips but other than that, she seems to be doing okay on her own.

"Did you find Malachi," Russet asks. It's obvious he doesn't care, and I don't mean he's acting like it. I mean he literally doesn't have any concern in his voice.

"No," I say without a second thought. He shrugs his shoulders and we both turn our attention back to the battle.

I know what you must be thinking, but you don't understand. If someone was trying to kill you, wouldn't you do everything in your power not to die? I'm sure you understand now. And it isn't like no one had tried to kill me before. He makes...three, no, four. Though two of them did work together.

The way I see it,  if Malachi wanted to live, he wouldn't have threatened my life. It's as simple as that. But I mean, he was going to die eventually. I just sped up the process.

Unstable [Pokémon Fanfic] (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now