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Sienna's P.O.V.

We've been walking through this cave for a while now and I must say, I am quite tired, hungry, and irritated.

"How big is this fucking cave," Russet growls. I wonder what's his problem. I know his younger brother is missing but whose fault is that?

"Pretty big," Malachi says with a smile. I've yet to figure out what's so funny. This seems pretty serious. Not for me, but for the two who lost their brothers.

"You think this is so funny," Russet again growls, "Well lemme tell you-" He's interrupted by the sound of steel crashing into rock. It's a Feroseed. We all look up at the ceiling that's covered with Woobat and most importantly, Feroseed. Then we look at the rock the duel typed Pokemon crashed into. It's cracked pretty bad.

We speak in unison. "Oh. My. Arceus." Suddenly, the three of them stated running around, frantically calling out for Jasper and Peridot. I don't call for them, but I do run and search.

"Is it still funny," Russet yells at Malachi.

"Screw off," is the boy's response.

We try to keep together as to not get lost. That would prolong this search. Averie jumps out of my arms and starts running around. Except she's not looking in the way that we are. She's running in a specific direction. She starts barking or yelping or whatever it is Eevee do and looking back.

"Guys, I think Averie knows where they are," I say to them. Almost immediately they start running after Averie. The more we run, the more I think I can hear another Eevee. Averie seems to be responding.

That's when we see the other Eevee. I assume it's Ultima. Or Optimum.

Malachi yells: "That's Altura!" Oh, Altura.

We start running faster, turning corners, jumping from ledges and crawling under rocks. Then we see them.

Peridot is on his knees. As we get closer, I see that he sitting in a pool of blood. His face is filed with pure fear as he stares at the child in front of him. Jasper is sprawled across the ground, that same pool flows around his head. There's a stream of the red liquid coming from a large gash in his forehead.

They've been screaming their names as we ran up but neither of them are responsive.

"Holy mother of Xerneas," Russet whispers once he reaches his half brother. Jasper's chest is barely moving. The left side of face is impossibly pale. Blood completely covers the right."Jazz! Jasper! Come on buddy!" He places a hand to Jasper's neck to check his pulse. He breathes a sigh of relief. Then he takes off his shirt and wraps it around Jasper's head.

Meanwhile, Malachi checks over Peridot for injuries. There aren't any but Peridot still hasn't said a word. The look on his face is as terrified as ever. "Come on Perry. Get up," Malachi says. He lifts up Peridot by his waist into a standing position. His legs are wobbly and unsteady, but he manages to stand up right. Peridot holds his brother's hand in a death grip.

Russet picks up Jasper bridal style and stands up quickly. That's actually very dangerous in itself. He could be causing more damage by doing that but I don't think I should say that.

He grimaces. "How the hell do we get out of here?"

Averie takes the lead. I guess she has a pretty good memory. Russet is the closest to the front. Cerise and I in the middle. Malachi, Altura, and Peridot take up the back. I turn to them as we run. Malicai is basically dragging Peridot along. The blonde haired boy's legs are moving but its almost as if he weren't controlling them. They were moving clumsily without direction.

It takes us twenty minutes to reach get out of the cave and to the Pokemon Center in Shalour City. Immediately Nurse Joy takes Jasper to the back.

Malachi takes Peridot to the back so he can get cleaned up. I think Russet should do the same. His chest has blood smeared on his chest, arms, and some on his pants. He's sitting down with his hands covering his face. Cerise comes to sit next to me.

"How long have we known each other," she asks, "Two days? Two and a half?"

I nod. "A lot has happened. Is it usually this dramatic?"

She looks down. "No, not usually. Russ and Jasper would go at it all the time, but other than that it's pretty calm."

"Oh." I rub the top of Averie's head. Her overly fluffy tail wags slowly.

"Do you think Jasper will be alright," she asks. I didn't expect her to ask me that.

"I'm sure he will. He looks like a strong kid." Malachi and Peridot walk out. Peridot is wearing a pair of gray shorts and a shirt the color of his name. He looks less terrified and more on the verge of crying. They come over to sit next to Cerise and I.

"You okay Perry," Cerise asks. Peridot nods slightly. Cerise places a hand on his thigh. "He'll be okay. I promise!"

"He'd better," Russet says. There's a slight edge to his voice. "This is your fault, Peridot." Peridot's eyes widen.

"What do you mean by that," Malachi asks threateningly.

"I mean exactly as I said. If it weren't for Peridot we wouldn't be in this situation. If he would've manned up and told Jasper not to go in the cave."

Peridot is crying now. "I'm sorry," he says, barely audible.

"Are you kidding me," Malachi laughs as he wraps an arm around his brother. "If anything this is your fault."

"How the hell's it my fault?"

"If you hadn't been so petty and took away his Eevee, he wouldn't have left. Or better yet, if you had been a good big brother and actually acted like you gave a care about him, he wouldn't be close to dying!" He's yelling.

Russet glares at Malachi. "Fuck you," he growls. Then he gets up and walks away. Peridot is still crying. I don't blame him honestly. He has a right to cry.

Remember back when I said I like this new side of Russet? I change my mind. I hate it. I only hope that for his sake he doesn't threaten me in any way. That would be a real shame... On second thought, no it wouldn't.

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