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Sienna's P.O.V.

It's been two days since they got the news of Malachi's death. As if they weren't already joined at the hip, Jasper and Peridot are now even more inseparable. It's near about impossible to not see those two side by side. Jasper has been pretty talkative lately, like he's been trying to cheer everyone up. I know Peridot has been making a lot more calls to his mother and father than before. I had only seen him do it maybe once a day before, but now out happens about every five or so hours. I learned that Malicai's funeral is being held in Couriway in three days. I wonder why there...

Cerise and Russet have been training non-stop. Cerise seems very distracted. Normally when she's training, she's unbelievably focused. Now she seems like she doesn't even want to be there. Russet on the other hand has been very focused and extremely touchy. It's impossible to talk to him without having him yell at you. The only person he seems to show any patience for is Cerise.

Right now I'm sitting in the lobby waiting on Cerise and Russet. Cerise has decided to challenge the gym today so we can make it to Couriway in time for the funeral. I don't think she's ready. She's too distracted.

Do I feel bad? Not exactly. Yes, I've caused these kids a lot of heartache, but I'd probably be dead if I hadn't killed Malachi. Because that's what happened. He tried to kill me. I know he did.

I rub the top of Averie's head as we wait, right on the soft spot in the middle. I've found that she likes it best when I pet her there.

"Hey Sienna," Cerise says. She sounds tired and drained. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I say. "Where's Russet?"

"Oh, he's not coming," she says dejectedly. "He and Jasper are at it again. It's a lot more serious this time."

"Why are those two always fighting," I ask while standing up to leave. "Especially at a time like this" Cerise shrugs her shoulders, but she doesn't answer. That's very strange of her.

It doesn't take us long to reach the gym. The inside resembles a living room. There's a fireplace on the wall opposite of us with a free books and what looks like a multicolored trophy on top. On either side of the fireplace are wooden shelves, each with something different on top. The walks are filled with pictures of constellations and Pokémon. There are a lot more than I remember.

On the adjacent walks are windows with deep purple curtains, complementing the yellow walls very nicely. The floor looks to be made of the same stone as the streets outside. In the center of the floor is a blue and yellow ornate rug. The only thing that lets you knew it isn't a house are the glowing gym statutes on either side of the rug.

"Where are we supposed to go," Cerise asks. I guess it wouldn't be very obvious to someone who hasn't been here before.

"Follow me," I say. I lead her to the Center of the rug and step in the middle of the Pokéball emblem . There's a quick flash of light and the entire room seems to disassemble. When the walls and floors disappear, the two of us are standing in an illusion of space. The sky seems to be slowly rotating and every few seconds, a sparkling comet flies by. There are a few flossing asteroids here and there and a constellation or two with the 'stars' connected by lines. Below us appears to be a glowing ball of blue and white energy. I've always thought that this was the most beautiful gym.

"I don't suppose you know how to get to the gym leader," Cerise says as more of a question. I shake my head. While I was here more often than at the Couramine Gym, I was always told to stay right where I was. No playing or anything.

"I guess we just have to figure it out then," she says blandly. She doesn't sound too happy about me not knowing. The two of us set of on the maze of neon platforms, each step we take making a sound that I can only think of as shimmering. We continue on silently, occasionally having to retrace our steps because of a dead end. I say it takes us twenty minutes, give or take five, before we reach Olympia. She's standing in the middle of a circular platform resembling a rotating galaxy. Her eyes widen upon seeing me.

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