He looks at you unamused by your words while examining your signature work attire. Your bare feet toes painted in electric blue, a pair of black sweats and a v neck white tee accented by your royal blue glasses.

Boss you might be the exception to that dress for success rule. I mean how can you be a multi billionaire and dress like a depressed millennial.

Lol because I do what I want and I like to be comfortable. When I'm comfortable I make more money.

Sitting back down on the couch i put my laptop on my lap my headphones on and continue to work on this new song im producing to go with my new clothing and shoe lines that are about to be released.

Oh boss someone from the board of medicine keeps trying to reach you.

Jason watches you with a suspicious look on his face. So are you really sick or something cause i can... Before he finishes his statement you cut him off.

ok i will give them a call thank you.

Your so rude Pk i think if you had a real boyfriend you would be so much nicer you know not as backed up. Your eyes shoot up giving him a glare that would stop a grizzly in there tracks but before you could speak the phone rings as Jason picks it up.


"Hi, yes i just called not to long ago is this PK's phone?"

"Why yes it is may I ask who i'm speaking with?"

"Oh I'm Namjin I work for Big Hit entertainment and was instructed by Mr. Big Hit himself to contact you in regards to working for the company."

"You want me to come work for Big Hit entertainment!" Jason paused to look over at the woman on the couch and comes back to reality. "Would you mind if I put you on hold for a minute."


Jason looks at you with twinkles in his eyes. "PK you will never believe this Big Hit wants us. They are on the phone.." before he could finish his sentence. You look at him square in the face and say.

Tell them.. No, thank you.

You know I have to many projects going on right now and I dont talk money or deals over the phone. If they wanted me so bad they would have known that and came in person.

Boss you cant say that its Big Hit the man says with begging eyes

I glanced at him with a look that could freeze hell over "Bye Jason." You say dismissing him and getting back to your work. He walks back over to the phone feeling deflated.


"Yes Mr. PK we are so excited about this."

I'm going to have to decline there are currently to many projects that need to be completed.

I cant speak about business or work contracts over the phone the policy is to only deal with that sort of business face to face. I thank you for your time and sorry again but if you send me your contact information i will get in contact if anything changes.

After Jason finishes up the call he stomps his way over to you while you lost in your work.

"Why, why, why, PK.... Pkkkkk Big hit is currently one of the biggest label in the world right now and you turn them down with out a second thought."

"Yup I sure did, you know why? because when you own your own brand and people want your brand for themselves you get to say who gets it, when, and for what price."

"Ok I get that but it was Big Hit."

"Listen Jason let me teach you a life lesson if anyone is hungry enough they are going to find a way to eat. Now if they wanted me that bad then they are going to show up for a face to face so breath and go order lunch because I'm hungry."

Jason looks at me with a unreadable expression.

Slutty vegan right boss he says in a unfamiliar tone.

"Uh yea With a vegan smoothie please."

Hours go by and the light has faded while the darkness of twilight has risen. Your still pouring all your heart and energy into this production project. Matching up the sounds of my music to give your clothing a emotional response for viewers.

Boss a voice calling your name snaps you out of your work trance.

A bruding man calls you again as if something has been mowing over in his mind all day.

Boss, did you seriously have to turn down Big hit today i mean they are big hit one of the greatest music companies in the world.

The room falls silent as you eye the man who is constantly overstepping. You inhale deeply as you rise off the couch and stretch nonchalantly before facing the man in front of you. Your brown eyes meeting his blue ones as he trys to battle you for dominance with a stare down.

They may be one of the greatest music companies in the world but there is always going to be other music companies.

However there is only ever going to be one Pk. I am the only one of my kind not that i owe you an explanation for my actions.

So if my decisions for my company are to much for you to except then you are more than welcome to find some place more suitable to work.

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