Just a Good Old Fight

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Calvin and Cian circled each other like predator and prey. But neither knew which of them was the prey. The ring of onlookers around them consisted of the mishmash of students still alive despite the latest carnage, all too invested in the fight to bother wondering if they were next to die. 

Cian was the last Cian left alive in the school as far as he knew. Calvin was the last of his friend group as far as he knew, just being lucky enough to escape the carnage by needing to borrow a book.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight!" the sparse crowd chanted, with nothing much better to do. Fists raised, and without knowing what else to do, Calvin went for the gold and struck out an uppercut that knocked  Cian back toward the flowerbeds. As if happening in slow motion, Calvin could see his mistake as it happened, and Cian's skull crack audibly when his head hit the concrete.

His mistake was simple, don't kill your opponent when the fight hasn't even started. It ruins the fun.

The crowd went silent as Cian's eyes rolled back into his head and the pool of blood widened.

"Holy shit, you fucking killed him dude," David said, looking at the mess on the floor. 

Calvin shrugged, "Oops?"

Aleks raised her eyebrows then turned to leave, no longer interested, but unbeknownst to her, Jack sat on the rooftop opposite watching in anticipation. His last invention had been designed to be quick, clean and inescapable. This one was designed to be painful. 

Gas had never been his favourite method of killing. It was messy, and even for a psychopath such as himself, it wasn't pretty. This new gas however, could kill lots of people quickly and without all of that coughing business. His dispersal method was as ingenious as the gas. Tiny disks of chemicals disguised on the ground of the unsuspecting victims, easily triggered by heat to produce the gas.

He took aim with the rifle and fired, hitting the centre of the main disk, and simultaneously, all of the disks began billowing a turquoise cloud.

"Gas!" he heard Aleks shout, and many of them began to pull their jumpers over their noses and drop to the ground, some trying to run to safety.

Summer was the first to die.

Suddenly, without warning, she jerked upwards, her eyes rolling back into her head as blood streams from her nose, then fell limp.

Calvin was next, stiffening, bleeding and falling.

Then David, then Ellie Carol. Both stiffening and bleeding from their nose before falling to the ground.

Ellie Cassidy and Aidan were tripping over each other in an effort to clear the gas, but they too, fell dead in a heap.

Finally, when he could see no movement, and even with infrared glasses, he used the remote button to shut off the disks and the gas quickly dispersed.

But what he didn't know, was that Aleks had used the gas cover to climb up onto his roof before it killed her, and she was now right behind, frazzled and angry, very ready to kill whoever had tried to kill her.

She sneaked up to him and grabbed the rifle from beside and went to shoot him in the head, but he noticed her at the last moment and grabbed the barrel before it blew his brains out. He kicked her in the stomach and jumped to his feet, grabbing the mallet from his bag and swinging it at her head.

Aleks ducked under the swing and tried to hit him with the butt of the gun, but he yanked it from her hands and this time the mallet made contact.

Jack smashed her skull in, then packed up his stuff, scowling.

He wiped the blood from his face and made his way back round to the entrance of the school. He dumped his bag of tools in his locker and headed to class, still angry, and trying to get the brains out of the strand hair in front of his face.

Woo writing again so sorry if you died different to how I said but I lost my notes and this is most of the people from that page.

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