Love and Murder Part I

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"It's for Homer," Ben told himself, as he hefted the knife, shaking with nerves. "No one will know it was me."

He bounced back and forth on his toes, took a deep breath then lunged forward, thrusting the knife into Josh's back. Josh cried out, falling to his knees as Ben pulled the knife out and plunged it back in, over and over until he was sure that the bloody carcass was beyond saving. Then he wiped the knife on his bloody shirt and reminded himself of his motive. "Homer will be happier with DJ, I just needed to kill the competition. He'll be happy. No one will know it was me."

With that he walked away, blood-soaked and shaking, leaving Josh's dead body on the pavement behind the school, unaware of the eyes that just saw him kill.

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