Blood in the Water

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Rosalyn swung the axe at Kira without listening to the arguments from behind her. Unluckily, Kira ducked and she hit George dead centre. She shrieked in surprise and yanked out the axe, and George fell backwards into the pool with a splash. He struggled and splashed, but with a giant hole in his chest, he wasn't able to keep himself afloat, and slowly, he started drowning.

Drowning was a much quieter affair, unlike the flailing and gasping you see on TV, it was more like silently drifting below the water level and inhaling the water before you knew what was happening. Luckily for George, drowning was supposed to be quite pleasant in the end, unluckily for George, getting stabbed in the chest was not.

As blood filled the glowing pool, and the last remnants of sunlight filtered through the glass ceiling, Klea and Rosalyn argued while wrestling for control of the axe.

"Why did you do that!" Klea shouted, "you killed George!"

"I needed to kill Kira! Don't you see? She's the one who killed everyone else!"

They wrestled for the axe until eventually Klea got hold of it and sank the blade deep into Rosalyn's chest.

Rosalyn had a surprised look on her face, and there was a mask of confusion as she began to cough up blood and eventually fell backwards, dead.

Meanwhile, Ava decided to finish what Rosalyn started and had wrestled Kira to the ground, holding her head underwater as she screamed and shouted where no-one could hear.

When Kira finally went limp, Klea had realised what was happening and pulled Ava off just too late to save her. 

"How could you!" she screeched, and they went down in a tangle of limbs as hair was pulled, and arms were scratched. They wrestled and fought, tearing each other apart, while Diana tried to pull them away shouting for them to stop.

She grabbed the nearby axe from Rosalyn's body and swung it at the duo, accidentally managing to decapitate Klea. Ava stopped and stared at the head as it rolled to the edge and plopped into the water.

Ava looked up at Diana in shock, who was as horrified by her actions as Ava, but before Ava could pounce on the newest killer in the group, Diana hit her with the blunt edge of the axe.

Without thinking, overwhelmed by anger and emotion, she smashed Ava's skull in with the handle of the axe, then sat on the ground, covered in blood, and stared at the horror she created.

Her guilt didn't have to time to fully register because in a second flat, a bullet had lodged itself in the back of her head.

Arturs smiled. Manipulation was fun. He pulled the phone from his pocket and pressed dial, only waiting for a split second before the line picked up.

"That was fun," he told her, and she heard her sigh from the other side of the phone.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but the plans are finally coming together, soon everyone will be dead and your job will be complete."

"Eh, it was fun while it lasted," he said, then hung up.

He replaced his rifle in his backpack and headed home, wondering if there would even be school tomorrow. He smiled to himself as he remembered the carnage, his only regret that he hadn't been able to kill more of them.

But he would have his chance to fight up close. When he cut the grin off of Giedrius' face with a machete. The thought cheered him up, and he left the pool with a grin of his own plastered on his face.

There's a good chance this is the last in my bout of writing multiple chapters so i might not publish another chapter for a while. Or I might post one tomorrow. But probably the former. 

BTW I'm gonna add a chapter at the start with a list of everyone killed in each chapter so if you wanna find where you are, look at that.

Goodbye for now, 

-your not psychopathic classmate

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