The Untimely Death of Jack

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Pia was restringing her bow when Sophie arrived up. He was trying to clear his throat, but Pia took little notice. He had been lucky enough not to be on the hit list, so Pia wasn't too concerned with his presence.

"Hey, I'm gonna steal some of your water Pia, if you don't mind," he said, and Pia waved him off, not too bothered until she realised that she didn't have any water with her, and she looked up to see Sophie chugging the bottle of poison she had left on the table.

"No Soph-" she started, but it was too late. He staggered, clutching at his throat as he made rasping sounds, before falling to the ground and suffocating. 

Pia sighed. "That poison was really expensive," she finished under her breath, before resigning herself to not missing and grabbing her bow and arrow to shoot Jack, who was about to walk into the school to collect his money. She stepped over Sophie's weak form, clutching at his throat and at Pia's ankles as the poison slowly killed him. Pia just walked on past and notched an arrow into her bow, aiming at Jack, who was sauntering across the road, not paying much attention. But after a second, she lowered her bow.

The truck wasn't slowing down, and Jack wasn't speeding up. "It can't be that easy?" she muttered, waiting for the driver to notice the jaywalker, or for Jack to notice his impending doom, but neither did, and the truck slammed into him, sending him flying across the road, blood splattering over the truck's windshield. The truck driver just turned on the window wipers, and kept driving, going over Jacks body on the way, and Pia could hear the crunch from where she was standing.

She frowned the same frown Jack had used the day previous. The frown that an assassin frowns when their work is done for them. But then, like Jack, just shrugged and went to break the good news to Her.

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