01 - Hillcrest

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Claire's Point of View

I sat at my post, tapping my foot against the wooden deck of the house. My dog Kilroy was taking a nap next to me. I rocked in the chair I sat in, waiting for the signal.

Apparently, there was a girl around my age who is trying to take down the WLF. Supposedly, a higher up soldier by the name of Abby killed her father. So in return, she wants Abby to suffer. She has taken out so many of our soldiers single handily. She seems super high trained and all I know is, I don't want to cross her path.

Not only is there a girl, there is also a man around the same age of the man that was killed by Abby. He is somehow connected to the girl and the man Abby killed and is also seeking revenge. It's all so confusing and even if I tried, I couldn't piece everything together because there's so much I don't know.

I never liked Abby, and Abby never liked me. I'm not sure why. In training she was always so mean to me, but nice to everyone else. It never made sense. She's a year older than me, so she's bigger than me, and when we would practice against one another, I would always lose. Maybe that's why she didn't like me, I wasn't a big enough challenge. She ended up becoming a higher up in the WLF because her father was a firefly meanwhile I just stayed a regular scouting soldier.

"She's over there!" Yelled a nearby soldier.

I ducked into cover behind the deck's railing and pointed my scope around. I couldn't get a sight of her. "Go Kilroy, sniff her out," I said to my good boy. He obeyed and started to scout.

I followed Kilroy but there was a lot of space between us so he could be more stealthy. Then all of a sudden, the ground beneath me shook for a split second, a white flash in my eyes, and the last cry of Kilroy. There seemed to have been some sort of mine that was detonated as Kilroy walked onto it and triggered the explosion.

My knees dropped to the floor, "Kilroy," I cried as I held my lost puppy. "Kilroy no."

And out the corner of my eye I see somebody scurrying through the thick grass, "It's her!" I yelled.

My adrenaline was pumping, I wanted this girl dead for killing my Kilroy. I heard gunshots and before I knew it, as I was chasing her, she was taking out all my fellow colleagues so aggressively.

"Stop!" I yelled as I came up from behind her and pushed her onto the ground.

She kicked my legs causing me to fall on top of her. I pulled out my knife and went to stab her shoulder but she turned the blade around on me and it went into my shoulder. "Agh!" I screamed in anguish as I pulled it out and punched her in the face. She flipped us over me and rolled on top of me and cocked a gun to my forehead.

Tears were streaming down my face and I held my breathe, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you," She said lowly.

"Just do it...," I said as I cried and thought of Kilroy.

"I SAID GIVE ME A REASON!" She yelled in my face as the gun stayed steady against my forehead.

"Okay," I cried out. "I can bring you to Abby." My voice was shaky.

She gave me a confused look, "Bullshit!" She said loud and stern.

"I swear," I replied, my breathing was rapid and my chest grew and fell at a fast pace.

"Get up," She demanded as I stood up she used a zip tie to tie my hands behind my back.

"What if we run into infected and now I'm bonded together," I said.

"I don't care," She replied. "Follow me and don't even think about screaming or running off or I'll pierce your brain so quickly."

"Okay," I quietly said.

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