Sasha gave it a thought as she thought of all the shops nearby.

"Do you mean 'Coffee & Biscuits'?" She asked as she tried her best matching the description he gave.

Nathan's eyes lit up as she understood what he had implied

"Yes! That one!" Nathan exclaimed.

"Yes I know that café" Sasha said in a low voice.

"Okay great! Then can you come there tomorrow at 5pm?" Nathan asked as his lip biting began again, trying to analyse her answer.

Sasha felt a coat of hesitation, painting over her mind. It was as if, it was trying to imply on something but could not express it. Another part of her, however, felt all giddy and excited by the news. The latter had taken over her emotions as she slowly nodded.

"Alright then! Be there at the given time....I will see you around I guess" Nathan said rubbing his neck in akwardness.

"Yes.." Sasha replied not how to reply

"Bye then" Nathan said, reluctantly waving his hand in the air as he turned around.

"Bye" Sasha responded

Sasha blankly stared as Nathan's figure mixed into the hallways like dust fading into wind. Her mind was occupied with one matter at the moment.

She will be meeting Aiden tomorrow


It was currently four in the afternoon and till now Sasha is still thinking about it. Excitement and daunting nervousness, had got her brain blur, which was going through an insoluble dilemma to choose between the emotions.

Sasha's eyes travelled to the circular beige machine, ticking the signal of passing time. She cursed under her breath, realising how much time she had wasted thinking about the whole situation. She had to get ready and head to the café which was atleast at a distance of twenty minutes from her house. Sasha jumped up from her seated state and scurried over to her closet. She began rummaging through it, trying to find the best outfit she could but not over do it at the same time. She settled on a cotton blue t-shirt with a round neck and half sleeves, complimented by white jeans. She let her brown hair fall open the way they were. Sasha did not prefer make up but she just gave a light touch up, just not to look absolutely dull. She quickly grabbed her phone and small carrying bag and rushed out of the room. Her eyes fell to her wristwatch which read four-thirty. As soon as she neared the door, she heard her name being called.

"Sasha! Where are you going?" Sasha turned back to see her mother standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

Sasha felt a shiver run down her spine, as her palms suddenly felt clammy from sweat. A huge gulp made it's way down her throat as thousands of ways to tackle this situation flashed through her mind and she decided to settle on the most feasible one.

"I am going to meet Aaron and Noelle" Sasha tried to lie as confidently as possible, as she was miserable at lying to her mother, who knew about every cell that travelled through her body.

"Aaron and Noelle?" Her mother spoke raising an eyebrow.

"Yes them.." Sasha as her leg began to twitch in restlessness.

"Okay do you need me to drop you off?" Her mom asked making Sasha surprised that she believed her so quickly.

"No it's fine. It's just a twenty minute walk anyway" Sasha said laughing a little.

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