Jisung bit his lip nervously as he stood right in front of Haeun at the small ballcony letting them get a great view of the princess castle.

Them being alone was immediately spotted by Taeyong who barely even glanced at them before sighing.

"I know I said it's fine but damn, I'm seriously not ready for this. She's just on the verge of graduating college, why must this happen so early!" He whined in a low voice.

His rant was caught by Johnny who raised an eyebrow surprised. "You're telling me that-" he cut himself off, a grin making it's way up to his face. "No way. He finally grew balls."

Back to where the young couple stood, Haeun was looking up at Jisung in a mix of worry and confusion in her eyes. 

"Are you okay?" She asked, scanning him from head to toe.

"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?" Jisung tried to use his most assuring voice, but him constantly avoiding eye contact gave his nervousness away. His hands made it's way to his head as he fidgeted with the devil horns ornament on top of it, subconsciously looking at her angel one.

Haeun crossed her hands. "No you're not. What's wrong."

"It's just..." Jisung bit his lip, trying to find some sort of excuse. He looked over to his friends for the mental support, just receiving a bunch of dumb hand waving and them mouthing something he couldn't make out at all. 

He then sucked in a sharp breath, finally looking into her eyes.

"I have something to ask you."

"What is it?" Haeun asked, beginning to get actually concerned from the way he said that. But she was shocked as he got down to one knee, taking one of her hands into one of his.

This immediately grasped the attention of the group as they all looked over.

"Oh my god look look look!" Yuri smacked Yunhee on the arm repeatedly, jumping up and down.

"Shit, is he actually?" Taeil looked over to Kun who seemed evenly curious and surprised.

"Finally, my man!" Yangyang exclaimed in chinese, leaning on Xiaojun's shoulder as he wiped a fake tear.

But that was all just background noise to Jisung who could only hear the wild beating of his heart. He could barely breathe as he was there, on one knee, looking into Haeun's widened eyes.

"Haeun..." He began in a mutter. She gulped, blinking a couple of times as she tried to process what's happening.

With his free hand, Jisung shuffled through the pocket of his jacket before he took out a classy, black box. As he had practiced about 100 times, he managed to pop it open with one hand in barely a second.

Haeun gasped loudly, seeing the beautiful gold and diamond engagement ring reflecting the sun light. She couldn't believe what was happening, feeling Jisung's sweaty hand squeezing hers. 

"Haeun, will you make me the happiest man in the entire world and marry me?" Jisung asked in the most confident voice he could muster.

It felt like the world stopped for the girl. Her stomach erupted in butterflies as she stared at his handsome feautures, which had barely changed from that memorable day they shared at the beach. She felt the same thrill, the same burst of emotions.

The same love.

It took her a second to get a hold of herself as happy and shocked tears flooded her eyes.

"Yes." She exclaimed, almost choking up on the word.

"What?" Jisung was unable to process.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes and always yes!" Haeun blurted out, finally able to breathe.

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