ct-32 gods and sacrifices - Final Chapter

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WARNING —  This chapter is over 6000 words long. Lmao. Don't be upset.

        I love you sky.
Kai's words were on repeat in Katherine's head. He couldn't be dead. His body laid on the battlefield, in
the midst of the fighting. No...In the midst of the slaughtering of human and ye juai kind.

She couldn't see his body. But she knew his location. She wouldn't consider he was dead. Even though he had lost an arm. Even though that bastard Babayega had plunged darkness in him that made his veins go black and his skin white.

She wouldn't consider him dead.

She hadn't shed a tear. She didn't plan to. There were conversations around her. She didn't care who they were. At some time warm hands had wrapped around Katherine.

Trying to comfort her. Saying words that Katherine wasn't paying attention to.

A face came before hers. It was Esther's. She was crying and palming Katherine's face. Was she crying for Kai? She shouldn't be. He was fine. He was just too tired to get up.

She kept mumbling things. Right now every other thing was pointless. She wanted Kai.

Katherine shoved past Esther and began heading to the battlefield.

Esthers words became clearer as her voice rose.

"Katherine no!" Esther said. Pulling Katherine back, she drew her into a hug.

"Kai. Get me Kai." Katherine said.

"Kat he's dead." Esther said, tears spilling from her face and unto Katherine's shoulder.

"No." Katherine said as she broke from Esthers hug. "No...he's not dead."


"He's not dead!" Katherine screamed back at Esther. "I just...I need his body." Katherine made to move again.

Amish was immediately in front of her, putting her hands on Katherine's shoulders. Her silver armor was stained with black blood, like Kai's before he took his off.


Katherine tried to shove past Amish but the elf wouldn't budge.

"Katherine stop please." Amish said. "You'll die in that battlefield."

"I just want Kai." Katherine said.

The warrior elf stood unmoving.

"I'll get him for you." Someone said behind Katherine. She turned to see Gruff, battle axe sheathed but neck pink and bruised.

He stood beside...Garett? Alive? How? It was important. Something to be bothered about. Something to be happy about. But every part of Katherine was focused on the troll who wished to bring back her lover.

Katherine nodded at Gruff. Why he chose to do this was a mystery. Hadn't it been almost a day ago that he bit her neck that was now bandaged. And didn't Kai try to kill him?

No matter how strange it all seemed, Katherine didn't care as long as he got her Kai.


He wasn't dead.


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