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Kai walked back to his house pondering on what the elf said. Destiny has tasted your blood and she likes it?! What in the six kingdoms was that supposed to mean?

Sure the elf got his name slightly wrong but still, he was suspiciously close. Babayega greets you.

The elf's words kept playing in his mind over and over till he reached his house. He freshened up and soon heard a knock on the door. This time he put on a gray shirt and loose white pants, no need to make anyone squirm.

Estella was the one at the door. She held a tray of potato and carrot stew. Kai couldn't help his mouth watering from just the aroma.

"Guardian." Estella said in greeting. She offered him the tray. "On the princess's order." She said. Well, Kai thought, he could get use to this.

He took the tray from Estella. "Thank you Estella." he said, then retreated into his room and devoured the food.

A week and some days passed by smoothly. Kai knew his way to the princesses house now without Keita, but he would often see him in a duty post around the castle. Then he'd greet him. After a while, Keita had stopped being pale anytime Kai approached.

Early in the morning he would go to the barracks when there was barely anyone moving around. There he would train with heros, further his precision in throwing daggers, and exercise.

Following the princess around wasn't so bad after all. They would go to the library occasionally and read books there or take them to her house to read.

They found different kind of creatures like fae and faeries and many others. But what was most troubling was a book they found on creatures that came after the Armageddon. Creatures that were like the Babayega. If these things were out there then how had no one seen them all these years?

The princess made it her mission to find out everything about the creatures, and Kai would unfortunately be there through it all.

Kai supposed it wasn't so unfortunate since he was somehow involved in all this, according to the elf. Destiny likes your blood, the elf has said. The information the princess sought may be useful to him in the future.

The princess once took Kai to the main castle gardens where she showed him several rare flowers that the castle had grown. It was a beautiful place. The princess then put a daisy in his hair and told him it made him look less terrifying.

Then Kai actually laughed at the thought of him carrying a daisy around the castle. The Princess then, feeling offended, punished him by ordering him to leave the flower in his hair all day. Kai couldn't refuse an order, much to her amusement.

Kai woke up in a panic today. He saw Viktor in his nightmare, sleeping with a crying Mara.

Kai was tied to a chair, forced to watch. Then the whole Cadre had rounds with Mara.

He needed to get the atrocious thoughts out of his mind. He quickly put on a tunic and an overcoat, and headed for the barracks to train. It was October so it had started snowing in Arocelli.

When he got to the barracks, he heard someone inside the sparring room already. There was usually no one here but for the cleaners and occasional guard who would pass by.

He stepped in to find raven haired Nesta, sword fighting with four other guards. Three male and one female. She was besting them without effort. Soon she wore them out. She actually wore the four guards out. Impressive, Kai thought.

He stepped into the sparring room. The guards bowed their greeting towards him then came off the large soft mat that was the sparring area.

"You scared off my sparring partners with your grim face." Nesta said. Kai raised his brows.

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