{21} Daze

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"Yerim!" Jimin shouted, quickly running towards her. Helping her walk towards us steadily, Jimin slowly places Yerim's shivering body down on the floor.

"I'm going to call Jin Hyung okay? Give me a minute" Jimin said, as he swiftly pulls out his phone and walked to the other room.

Staring at Yerim, my face twisted into a concerning look as I hesitantly took a step forward but stopped as soon as she raises a hand up to tell me to stop.

"Don't come near or you'll smell the sour scent of the blood!" She warned and my eyes once again fell onto the spot where the blood was spilling out.

"What happen?" I whispered anxiously and she just shrugged in response like she had no idea what I was saying.

"I'll tell you later, right after I got this little buddy fixed!" She chortled pointing at the bleeding spot that was starting to change the colour of her shirt to a dirty brown. With a silly grin, she winked at us which makes me wonder why.

"Jungkook, Jin Hyung is coming. Can you do me a favour and grabbed her something so the bleeding would stop?" Jimin asked, appearing at the door, the phone still on his ear.

"Isn't that your job to take care of your girlfriend?" Jungkook asked with a smirk and I frowned.

Both Yerim and Jimin rolled their eyes and groaned.

"Jungkook, can you like not? Like I haven't even confessed to her yet." Jimin grumbled and Jungkook's mouth form into a grin while Yerim reached over to Jimin to slap his foot.

"You said yet!" Jungkook cheered. "Y/N did you hear that? Jimin said yet which means he likes her!"

"To be honest, I don't even know what's going on but are you two dating?" I questioned and Yerim blushed bright red.

"Of course not!" She objected. "Jungkook is just lying!"

"Nah, nah, nah!" Jungkook debated back. "You two fool everyone but you ain't fooling me! Jimin, I know you are going out with Yerim so don't try to lie!"

Scoffing, Jimin folded his arms in annoyance.

"Can we argue this another time when is necessary? Yerim is in pain and probably can't deal with this bullshit you're coming up with right now."

"That's true!" Yerim chirped. "But I ain't in pain, I'm fine right here!"

"Sooner, you'll be more fine." Jimin said, walking away to grab something for Yerim to stop her from losing more blood.

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"So I was walking peacefully, trying to get some fresh air and clear my mind. Just thinking some stuff you know? From out of nowhere, a person that was covered from head to toe with black grabbed me and dragged me into one of the girl's bathroom." She started but stopped when Jin dabbed the wound with a cotton ball and winced in pain.

"Sorry." Jin apologised. "But it may hurt a little, you can take it right?"

Yerim nodded then continue the story, with six unblinking eyes stalking her, including six ears that are ready to listen. Add two more ears for Jin is listening too while fixing her.

"She had a knife with her which tells me to not scream or I'll be asking for my death wish. So, instead, I try talking to her but she didn't answer since she needs to be in a disguise. Then without warning, she doved towards me and I dodged which had me thinking 'If I want to survive, I need to fight out of my way' so-"

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