'' its just the royal family which is scaring me.'' he sighed and looked at the confuse look of Adil but Rayan took a sip of his drink clearly knowing what was the cause of Hama's concern and he knew it all well but there was nothing he could do though he knew that he was right. But being born in a royal family, they had to follow certain rules and regulations.

'' being born in a royal family has its cons and pros and I don't want my child to face that. Either I have a boy or a girl, I want a normal childhood for them though it know that it can only be a dream as father will never agree with that.''

'' الريان
ماذا تفكر يا بني''

( Rayan

What are you thinking son?)

The voice of his mother broke his chain of thoughts as he looked at her then at Zaida who was looking at him already. A sudden urge hit him hard as his emotions filled with an intense feeling. It shook his every nerve making his throat tightened and his heart clenched. A sudden possessive feeling washed through him engulfing him to have a piece of him, a flesh on him, to have his own blood. To have his own child. A love child just like that precious angel in his arms who was a symbol of the love of her parents. Hama and Zaida. And then that night was a very strange night when she raised her voice for her freedom. The Royal family was on chaos and they were annihilated though Rayan thought other way. he was proud of her and now it was time to protect her as he always did. He stood against his family to protect her and her decision. Rayan knew it was hard for her to stand for herself as he knew she was not timid, she was not brazen as Nahal.

But she took him by surprise for standing for herself and her daughter. His chest swelled feeling proud of her.

Standing in front of him in his study she mustered her courage to raise her voice but Rayan could sense the change in her. She was brave for the first time maybe it was because she was a mother.

'' what made you think of this decision?'' Rayan asked in his usual calm and authoritative voice. Zaida sighed and took the reign of her courage tight.

'' Hama and I always wanted a normal life for our kids. But we also knew that it would never be possible. After giving birth to my daughter, I realized that I don't want her to be next Zaida tossing around and being lost in her own pretending self. I want her to live her life free. No rules and no regulations. I don't want her to be tied with someone much early in her life either in a political marriage like mine, or in any circumstances that will follow her.'' she paused and looked at Rayan who was in deep thoughts hearing her words. Deep down he knew that she was right but he had also a relationship with that sweet pure soul and he would never let anything happen to her. But royal family can be unpredictable and as a mother, she had the right thoughts and fear for her.

'' I want her to live her life free from this cage. As a member of a royal family, she will have a lot of privileges that other's can't have, but she would have the simple happiness of freedom. And I want her to feel that which is a basic need but a soul to a life. help me with this Rayan. Sign these papers and let's just free ourselves from unwanted knot. I need your help for the last time. For her sake please.'' The desperation was clear in her voice and he could sense it. Taking a deep heave, he stood on his feet taking the papers in his hands. Looking at her who was looking at him with hope, he smiled a little and signed it.

She sighed of relief and smiled too. Feeling free from an unwanted knot, she was glad for him and for her own self.

'' but remember one thing Zaida, I have a relationship with her and with you. If not as your husband but as your brother in law and her uncle. I will be with her in all the steps of her life. You will get the alimony for yourself and a secure future for her will be on Me.'' he stated seriously looking straight at her. Zaida opened her mouth oppose him but the look on his face stopped her. She sighed and nodded her head.

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