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Agatha was bored. No Sophie meant no friends. Not a single friend. She regretted returning to Gavaldon. Yes, her mother, Callis had missed her. Yes, Reaper had missed her. But still! Reaper was no fun. He still hated her for leaving and now, when she had returned, he thought she had changed. By now, she had more than ten scratches and bite marks on each of her hands from her cat's claws and teeth.

A sigh heaved out of her mouth as she plopped onto her dearly missed bed. She thought of Sophie's glowingly beautiful face. Then, the image of Tedros struck her mind. Guilt wormed their way into her stomach as she continued to think of her former prince who had been clearly heartbroken. A sad tear welled up into her eye. She had never felt this lonely before and was the worst feeling she had ever felt in her life. Just as her first sob burst out of her mouth, the sound of her mother whistling rang around. Her mother was home. Finally.

"Some help, dear?" Callis called. Agatha immediately leapt of her bed and hopped to the door, forgetting about Sophie and Tedros. She pulled opened the rickety front door to sight her mother gripping onto two overflowing baskets in both hands. One was filled with ferns and leaves while the other was filled with dead toads, lizards and tadpoles. A gasp fell out of Agatha's mouth. She groaned. Why couldn't her mother be normal for once?

"What's all this?" She complained. Callis smiled reassuringly.

"I was actually hoping you would teach me some potions and spells perhaps?" She replied and placed the basket down on the floor. She rubbed her hands. "Let's get started, shall we?"

Agatha gaped at her bizarre mother before answering.

"Mother, I told you. We didn't learn those stuff. We made potions out of magic stuff!" Agatha exclaimed and slapped her forehead. This meant that they would be having another tadpole, lizard toad stew. She gagged. Callis sighed, obviously disappointed that her only daughter who had just returned from a school where she learned magic wasn't willing to teach her some.

"Then I hope our bowels can handle some toad-tadpole-lizard stew." She breathed and went to the kitchen with the counter.

Minutes later, a stinking smell filled the house. Agatha gagged and buried her face in her pillow. But she could still smell the horrible dead animal stew.

"Why can't we eat normally for once?" She groaned, hoping Callis would hear.

"What was that, dear?"

"Why can't we eat normally for once? Like eggs, meat and bread?" Agatha snapped.

"Agatha, you know this. The elders don't like us. They'll hate us even more if we buy food. Besides, you know we don't have much money." Callis answered cheerily as she entered the room from the kitchen, causing the smell to grow smellier. Finally, Agatha couldn't take it anymore. The contents in her stomach spilled out of her mouth and splattered onto the floor. Callis gritted her teeth as the smell of her daughter's vomit collided with the smell of the stew. She scrunched up her face as did Agatha.

"Clean this and come eat dinner." Callis said sharply and stalked back to the kitchen. Reaper followed, after hissing at Agatha. She sighed and thought of Sophie once more. Her friend...her only friend. Sophie! Oh how she missed Sophie! Did Sophie miss her? Did she even remember her? It had been two months since she had returned to Gavaldon...without Sophie. She exhaled, retrieved a dusty mop and wiped her vomit. She strolled to the kitchen for dinner and almost threw up again. The smell was just so revolting. Even worse than the School For Evil food. No, no. She was done with that school. She would forget about it. Forget. Forget. But alas, she could not. She could not forget that rotten school.

"Mmm. Smells nice, mother." She attempted to smiled and she sniffed the air. Callis sent her a withering look but didn't say anything as she ladled the bowels with the stew. Agatha to a slurp and half spat it out, but stuffed it back in her mouth before Callis saw. Oh, it was horrible! She plastered the well known Agatha-grin on her face.

"Delicious." She sighed as if she was satisfied. Another withering look was sent to her. She sighed. There was no way to make her mother pleased with her again. She shoved her full bowel away and stood up.

"Going for a walk." Agatha mumbled and left the house. She strolled around the graveyard until she found what she had been looking for. Sophie's mother's grave.

Vanessa- Loving wife and mother.

"Please bring Sophie back. Please bring her back to Gavaldon. Please. Just bring her back. I will do anything." She prayed. Nothing happened. Nothing replied. Another sigh came out of her.

"I wish I could see Sophie again." She wished and shut her eyes. She layed a half dead flower on Vanessa's grave and walked back into her home where she found her mother not eating her stew at all. Her full bowel was gone from the table. The smell of the stew was also gone.

"Agatha, we must talk." Callis said seriously when Agatha tried to sneak passes quietly. Agatha nodded and sat on the wooden chair across from Callis.

"Mother-" She began, but Callis motioned for her to pause.

"Agatha. I was so glad and happy when you came back. But I am rather disappointed that you can't teach me some of the potions you learnt to make. I understand, Agatha. I understand you only used magic." She murmured.

"Mother, how?" Agatha asked.

"I went to The School For Evil myself, Agatha. I know what it was like." Callis explained. Tears fogged up Agatha's eyes. Callis's eyes also grew misty.

"Mother..." Agatha whispered. Sobs burst out her chest. Her whole body shook. Callis smiled understandingly. "Mother!" Agatha cried and stumbled into Callis's arms where she sobbed into her chest. For a while, they stayed like that with Agatha sobbing and Callis...well, also sobbing.

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