War: Training Part Two

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"I want complete silence!" Yuba roared. The clearing immediately became quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the leaves on the trees rustling in the winds. 

"The importance of fighting." He said. "Stabbing and shooting. How are they better than spells and magic?" 

"More blood!" Yelled someone.

"You can see them in more pain!" Another called. 

"It's easier and more fun to kill them that way!" Someone else screamed. 

"All wrong and extremely immature! What have you been learning in your classes? What have you been learning in your maturity and facial classes while the girls been in beautification? It seems clear to me that you have learnt perfectly nothing! More stupidity means more punishments? You lads all understand me?" 

The princes all nodded sheepishly and quietly. Their heads were bowed in guilt and grinned in the embarrassed way. 

"There are many tactics in physical fighting. Wrestling, punching and literally physical may work but as you know, I mean sword fighting and defending yourself and doing the two things at the same time. First is the basic. Sword fighting. You're all fairly good. Especially Tedros, yes? I've heard he is the best though he can be a wimp at a lot of times and which is the only thing I've seen him doing." Yuba glared at Tedros while the Everboys except Tedros laughed. Tedros scowled. 

"So, since you have been well educated in sword fighting somehow, you'll be doing that last. First, we'll be covering the act of shooting arrows and aiming them perfectly." 

"Boring! That's easy! All you do is point the arrow at something, bend the rope and twang! It's gone to what it's going for." Vex complained. Many of the boys nodded and  murmured in agreement.

"Have you heard of Robin Hood?" Asked Yuba.

"Of course I have." Muttered Vex. 

"He is a professional at shooting arrows and guess how much it took him to get them perfect?"

"I don't know. A month?" Vex shrugged. 

"A whole solid three years! Basically the whole years he's been at school! You think it's easy now? Well it's not! So shut up and listen you coward!" 

Finally, there was a moment of silence where there were only the sounds of nervous murmurings. 

"The best way to shoot well is to place the arrow against the string and hold it there. Do not poke yourself and pull back the the string of the bow. And make sure you area lifting it up slightly from the direction you want it to go because the arrow shoots in an arch." Yuba pulled back the string and let go of the arrow which flew, as he said, in an arch and landed perfectly on the tree just above Tedros's golden hair. 

There were gasps of amazement and wonder from the crowd. However, Tedros, who was yes, vain, snorted. 

"Anyone can do that! He's just making it look cool. He's making it sound cool. You know what, give me a go. I could do better than that talking stone." He marched over to Yuba, bent down and snatched the bow out of his tiny hand and grabbed an arrow from the ground. He professionally placed it in position on the bow and pulled back the bow. It looked  so well done that the Never and Ever boys shot Yuba dirty looks saying: You want to show off to us? Well guess what? Tedros can do better than you. 

Yuba rolled his eyes at all the glaring and scowling he was receiving. He folded his arms.

"He may look professional, but he probably can't shoot. Bet a hundred toad heads?" He grinned. If indeed the bet was serious, Yuba would have received a hundred toad heads from the shocked boys. Yuba was right. Tedros looked professional, but could not shoot.  When Tedros pulled back the string and released the arrow, the arrow went flying, not in an arch, but straight forward until still in the air and not even a metre to the tree, fell to the ground. The prince stared at the arrow on the ground, flabbergasted. 

Smirking, Yuba went over and picked it up, climbing the tree and pulling out his arrow too. 

"I told you," he said. "It's not as easy as it looks." 

"But...I...did-" Tedros spluttered, his cheeks red. 

"Now! There's no more time to muck around, and speaking of time there probably isn't much time to learn to shoot professionally. Change of plans. We're practicing sword fighting and stabbing. Don't worry. You're not going to be stabbed. Sword fighting practice will be with real swords but stabbing will be with fake. Grab a sword each and get into pairs and start practicing. Hopefully the Evers know and Nevers, I'll come around and help."

 Confidently, the Ever boys went over to the pile of swords that lay a metre away from the arrows while the Never boys uncertainly hurried to the pile and lifted a heavy sword each and as the sounds of clink, clink, clang filled the clearing from the Evers, the Nevers stood by awkwardly unable to do anything with no knowledge on sword fighting. But as Yuba went over sighing("I have this many not knowing how to sword fight? Better speak to Lady Lesso.) a loud sound of flapping and cackling suddenly came from the sky. Everyone, including the Evers, looked up and gasped loudly at the sight they saw. An army. An army of zombies flying on dragons. What more was the School Master, young and wrinkle free, flying by himself with no dragons, no stympths or no wings. Just himself. They were headed straight for the clearing. 

"Oh holy mother of God. Not right now." Groaned Yuba. 

"Yuba!" Called the School Master. "I see we have a problem!" 

Yuba glared menacingly up at the villain. "Yes, Rafal. We do." 

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