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Whispers and murmurs filled the air as the girls stared at one another, eyes wide. Sophie had just produced a very complicated hex(they could tell by the looks on the Deans' faces) which no one had been able to do. 

"Talented or not, you were not meant to be reading these books." Said Lady Lesso. Sophie hung her head guiltily. "Which means you ought to be punished." She continued. Sophie gulped, nervously. 

"But, Lady Lesso-" She started desperately. Lady Lesso enjoyed sending students to Doom Room, and any chance she got, she would use. Sophie had seen Tedros dripping with blood after coming from the doom room. He had been in so much pain, and she certainly did not want to feel the same. 

"Silence," said Lady Lesso, "you will therefore show and teach the class how you do it." 

Sophie did not answer in silent surprise. 

"Unless you'd rather the Doom Room?" Lesso cocked her eyebrow. 

"Uh, no! I'll teach the c-class." Said Sophie rather hastily. Lesso smirked while Dovey looked at her warily. 

"Maybe she shouldn't-" Dovey began to say.

"Maybe she should. You saw her do it just now. It's not very common for a beginner to do it. She's talented." Lesso interrupted. "Go, Sophie." 

Trembling, Sophie stumbled to the front of the class. Agatha looked at her, supporting her quietly. 

"You can do it, Sophie. You're brilliant." She whispered which Sophie heard and smiled. 

Thank you, Agatha. I can do it. Sophie thought and opened her mouth to begin her lesson. 

"The stun-" 

Blood curdling screams replaced the silence, causing all the girls to stand in panic and run around, desperate for an escape. They tried the door, which was locked. Dovey and Lesso blasted the brick walls with their glowing fingertips and stared outside in horror. Already, a war was on. They could see in the forest clearing, zombie villains and Rafal attacking the boys and Yuba. While Yuba could not do much, the never and ever boys were struggling to fight back to the attackers. They were grabbing swords and arrows off the ground and stabbing and shooting at the zombies vigorously. But no matter how hard they tried, they could not defeat any. 

"Oh no no no." Groaned Lesso. 

"They need our help." Said Dovey. Without a hint of hesitation, together they threw down a spell at the ground and gestured at the girls to come.

"There's a cushioning spell done! Jump out and hurry towards the clearing! Giselle! Ava!" Cried Lesso. But when the girls prepared to leap out, Dovey made a motion to stop. 

"Wait! Half of you run through the trees! The other half, we'll summon the stympths and retrieve swords and arrows and bows. Perhaps matches, too to light the tips of the arrows! They're in the cupboard over there! Hurry! Get as much as you can and prepare to use them. Girls, grab some each." 

"But we don't know how to use them! We haven't been taught like the boys!" A never girl whined. 

"What are we supposed to do?" Another complained. 

"USE LOGIC!" Lesso boomed, impatiently and furiously. 

"HURRY!" Dovey screamed. 

Hester, Anadil and Dot stared at each other, a strange flash of  confidence shared in their eyes. They were the first and ran to the cupboard Dovey had indicated and pulled it open. Large piles of weapons spilled out. Each of the coven grabbed a bow, some arrows, matches and a sword, strapping on the bow on their backs and shoving the arrows in their belts. 

"What are you waiting for?" Hester yelled to the others. "Do the same! But as Dovey said, half stay, half go!" 

The coven did not look back and jumped out of the hole in the wall. They rolled of the invisible cushion at the ground and disappeared through the trees. For a second, everyone remained silent, but quickly did what the coven had by grabbing weapons. Many leapt out of the window, but many stayed. The few who left included Sophie and Agatha. 

"Watch your back, Tedros!" Yuba roared as an arrow narrowly missed Tedros who was busy sword fighting against a rather familiar zombie. 

The zombie growled. "Blonde like Rapunzel. Male replica of Rapunzel." Tedros realized who the zombie was. 

"Your Rapunzel's witch!" He cried. "You're dead!" 

"I'm not dead! I'm undead!" She cackled. She blocked the sharp sword headed towards her chest. "You wanna kill me again? Wanna kill me? I'd like to see you try!" 

"You already are." Tedros spat through gritted teeth. With a loud bellow, he brought down his sword in the side of the witch's unprotected neck, slicing it neatly. An ugly, green substance leaked out of the neck. 

"Gross. Zombie blood." He muttered and watched in satisfaction as the zombie's eyes widened and fell in two pieces onto the ground, unmoving. 

It was a loud, ear piercing yell for help that got him moving once more. He turned around quickly to see Vex under attack by a large group of zombies. Crimson blood was trickling down his head and nose. His chest was also covered. Tedros watched in shock at the gruesome sight until it was too late. Vex lay on the ground, layered with respiration and blood. He didn't move. He was dead. The prince felt a wave of sudden dizziness as he saw Hort rush towards his fellow class mate and gasped as an arrow got the weasel in his back. Everything was slowly darkening as Hort's figure arched and fell. 

"Tedros!" A very familiar voice shrieked. "Tedros!" 

The light returned and the nausea went away as he spun and glimpsed Hester, Anadil and Dot sprinting towards his way, shooting blaze-tipped arrows wildly towards any villains they sighted. 

"Your back!" Dot pointed behind him as she let out an arrow(after making a flame on the tip) and shot directly at a zombie that was fighting Chaddick. It cut right through the neck and the evil creature crumpled to the ground just like the witch had, in two pieces. 

Tedros wheeled around again and noticed a very big green giant running towards him. He shot an arrow at it desperately, piercing an eye and causing it to roar in pain and stumble blindly. Another lit arrow fell from the sky and stabbed the giant's head. It instantly fell, bleeding green slime. Though it was breathing slightly, it was as good as dead. It would be gone for sure. 

The Camelot prince looked up, gratefully and chocked on his saliva. It was Beatrix flying on a stympth and shooting down arrows. First Dot, now Beatrix. Gee, the girls turned out to be pretty good at aiming. 

"Thanks!" He called up, but she was already flying away to save Revan from two girl zombies, clearly Cinderella's step sisters. 

And remembering he was in a middle of a tremendous battle, he rushed off towards a crowd of zombies to fulfill his role as both a student, prince and also as a future king. 

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