#13: Will Ya?

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Hey there!

Warning: Includes death. :( So, uhm, if you can't handle this kind of things, you better just go on part 14. Thank you. :)

~R'. xx

#13: Will Ya?

 "No", was the last thing you hear him shouting, just before you open your eyes in terror. "No, no, no."

Numb. Unmoving. Unconscious. Lifeless..

You feel the frozen air crashing against your face, not really knowing what has happened, but you're falling, you're drifting away in a sea of powerful, unusually huge shadows. You're flying towards a distant, barren land, a desert in the middle of oblivion..

He's running. He's coming towards you.. "Oh my God, no", you hear a silent, so distant and remote voice. "Help me!", you're shouting, fighting away the shadows, struggling for another breath, struggling to stay there, on the surface, "Somebody save me!"

However, in the real world, that voice of yours, that scream sounds so, so silent. So weak. So dead, as a matter of fact, and fragile.. A car crash against the protective road barrier, a percussion in the air and a blaze. And there you are. Laying in the middle of a cold road, all alone..

A hand is suddenly wrapped around your own hand, you feel the warmness of the human touch on your cold body, which is laying in the middle of the empty, cold road.


"Don't leave me.. Please, don't..", you hear that distant mumble again, a stutter so calm but loud enough to kick your tired eyes open. You see a face so familiar, so tranquil and calm, even if the blue eyes of its owner are wet, crying tears of the fear of loss of a loved one, the only loved one, the one and only..

"It's alright, babe, it's just alright..", he whispers, his voice breaking a bit, his hand still holding yours, tightly enough to make you feel alive but, maybe, not alive enough. Trying, encouraging.

You close your eyes, tired, still trying, or maybe tired of even trying. Tired of struggling to stay alive, even if it's him, his tranquilly worried face, his already red eyes locked up with yours.. Even if you've just started trying. Even if, after all, you aren't trying, not that much..

In a moment of unusual weirdness, you picture your first date, him and you, an amusement park. Too many hours of fun, and you had kissed in the top of the huge ferris wheel. The last thing he had whispered, just before his lips met yours on top of the world, were some words, two little sentences, a single question: "Let me keep this moment forever, will ya?". You had just replied, "I will", already determined to do it, even it was a first date, even if you couldn't imagine how it would turn out back then. You couldn't imagine that those two little sentences and that sweet answer would be your motto, your very own little moment. Your common phrase, what he would ask you when he wanted to calm things down during a fight, what he had asked you that day you decided to adopt a little dog together, what he whispered to you before you went to sleep by his side, kissing your forehead tenderly..

Opening your eyes again, realising it's always getting harder to do it, it's always getting darker, you can see nothing around you but him, the dead colour of the road contrasting with the blue of his eyes, and the tears that are still running down his delicate face..

"God.. Don't leave, don't!", he mumbled, a sob made its way out of his mouth, approaching his face just a little bit closer to yours. You suddenly feel his breath warming up your numb body, his hand strengthening you in a strange, mysterious way.

LOUIS p.o.v.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora