#8: Train Station

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#8: Train Station

"No. No, don't leave... Please, don't", you whisper, greeting Louis, your long-term boyfriend, just a minute before the train pulls off the station. Today he's leaving, having to be back in the studio for another recording with his band, One Direction.

"I wish I could do anything else than leave", he whispered, slowly lifting his head up to look at you.

"Yeah, but... I mean, 6 months is just more than a long time, Louis", you whispered, trying to hold another tear back, trying not to make it harder for him.

"I know. I know. Please... Don't", he thumbed away the tear that was now rolling down your cheeks, "Don't cry."

You stayed there, in silence, hearing nothing but the distant voices of people, the distant screams from a shore which the waves crashed against.

"I'll miss you so hella much", you head Louis whispering, before falling in his arms to hold him tightly, trying to keep him there, for you, for just another second.

"No. No, don't leave, don't leave me alone with them again, don't leave me alone with all those people who wish nothing else but to harm me. Don't drift me into this", you thought, still crying and crying and crying.

'Departure 259. Gate 4. Train is leaving in 1 minute. Please, ensure that everybody has boarded into the cabinet', a mechanic voice interrupted you.

You didn't want to go back to reality. Everybody bullying on you, hating on you and making fun of you. No, this would now be reality again. It already was. You didn't want to go to school. You didn't want to walk on the street. You just wanted to stay with Louis, to watch movies with him and to cuddle with him and just be there with him.

"You have to leave, Louis", you stuttered, holding him even more tightly, "I don't want to be on your way on that."

You felt his body shivering against yours, him smiling with a little chuckle.

"I am not", he simply whispers in your ear.

All you do is to slowly lift your head up, his blue eyes meeting yours.

"What?", you stutter, not sure if you are dreaming or not.

"I am not gonna leave", he repeats, clearer and prouder, "I can't leave you."

You just smile, more tears running down your face, this time because of happiness or maybe because you misheard, or maybe because he's staying.

"You are not?"

"I am not", he ensures you, smiling big, "I am not leaving you."

You smile back, not saying a word.

A moment of silence, just for you two.

"I am not leaving because I freaking need you", is all he whispers, before he hugs you again, tighter than ever, making you feel so secure, more secure than ever.

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