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Cobi is so dead this morning! 

I knew the bastard became aware of my presence the minute I walked in, yet I had been standing at the front desk of his establishment for a little over thirty minutes now and as usual, his latest flavour, slash receptionist wouldn't grant me the 'permission' to meet her boss. My own brother! 

The fucker must have been enjoying the show for he hadn't made a move to come out of his shithole even though he pretty much knew what was going on here.

"Okay let's try this again. I would like to see the head trainer, if you don't mind. Is he in?" I announced, slowlyto the chucklehead behind the desk made out of tempered glass.

The thing, dressed in a spaghetti dress that was anything but formal, was just as Cobi liked them; tall, malnourished and bald. Only that this one was really dark skinned and she coloured her scalp bright red. I guessed that meant the flavor was chili.

Peppery continued to file her perfectly manicured claws, the same colour as her scalp, with an expression of boredom and kept looking, deliberately, over my shoulder from time to time like I hadn't been standing there for over thirty minutes.

I wondered what expression her face would carry if I decided to puncture her throat with my own claws.

When she finally looked at me, it was more of a glare, "I told you already. We are closed for today. C-l-o-s-e-d! What part of; we aren't open for business don't you get?" She sneered bitterly and I sighed.

It really wasn't the punk's fault that she thought I would snatch that prick from her if I had a chance to meet him, but this was totally a dick move. I wasn't even dressed in a way that might seem suggestive.

A sports bra, yoga pants and a casual tracksuit jacket on me wasn't enough to 'snatch' her man now, was it?

But then again, Cobi's spec was tall, skinny women with a lot of sass, but no brains. I shouldn't be surprised.

"I told you I wanted to see Cobi. I did not tell you I came for 'business'," I explained in exasperation.

One last try and I'm marching into Cobi's office myself. Protocol be screwed.

"Obviously," she mumbled, rolling her smokey eyes while at it. My eyes narrowed dangerously.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I hissed and leaned forward, preparing to launch my hand to swipe at her bloody smug look, should she dare to refer to my size in this conversation.

Jacobi Dickhole Alabi came out of hiding just then.

"Woah there Baaaaybee! Fancy meeting you here on a sunny Sunday morning like this eh?!" His oh-so- annoying voice chimed as he hurried towards me. I relaxed my stance and redirected my glare at him.

"You fucking son of a cow! I'm so going to sit on your good for nothing head for the amount of time you made me wait out here and spank your ass like a mama's boy!" I yelled, like a literal war cry, and charged for him. A pure look of horror washed over his face before he took off into the gym area. I dropped my bag and quickened my pace.

Cobi knew he had no chance of out running me, yet he tried his best, weaving through his heavy duty machines with profound agility and turning his head over his shoulder to placate me from time to time.

He was in the middle of the latter action when he tripped over the laces of his sneakers and crashed onto the ground. Because I was already very close and there was no way to abruptly grind to a halt, I tripped over him and shamefully face planted into the taut sinew of his ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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