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Maybe it was Just his bad luck or Karma but the Angry,Red lightning Strikes that Marked him on his sickly pale neck slithering down to the base of his broad left shoulder that sprouted around like a tree with its branches,this mark will forever scar him even if it doesn't show physically but it will mentally.

This Scar will not last long but will come again along as he has the poison,Letharia Vulpina a Rare form of Lichen that came of an old Rottened Water Fountain that has been drenched in blood by a ancient Chinese Man...

Now maybe this poison is all he has but it isn't long because soon as he runs out I wonder what will happen to the Sickly Boy?

Stiles has already gave up on the Pack for Comfort or help,No he couldn't because they will not help him and he will not seek out help it'll make him feel more weaker than he already is I mean As Long as he has his Father right?
That won't last long because soon as he vanished from reality that last red thread of string will snap and he will suffocate in the Darkness and Guilt that consumes him already...

"WERE LOSING HIM"........Beep..Beeep....Zzz
"W-we've lost him,Write the file Saturday 24 of June 2014 Noah Stilinski passes"

This hasn't come yet but soon The Grim Reaper will take another Soul and Life for his own Satisfaction and a poor boy May loose his Humanity...........

For some reason I rlly wanted to write a Void Stiles Book and Who do you guys Ship him with maybe even the Nogitsune~

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