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As much as I wanted to storm inside and kill Winston, I needed him to lead me to Kirsten. I waited outside the place, for what seemed like forever, waiting for him to leave. Once he did, I quickly got in my car and slowly followed behind him.

He seemed to have been a little tipsy when he entered the car so I knew he wouldn't pay attention to his surroundings much. The drive was about forty minutes long and I wondered for a split second if he knew that I was following him up until he turned into a neighborhood. The houses were big and beautiful. All of them had to have been two story.

I parked a few houses down so he wouldn't recognize my car. He stumbled out of the car and up the steps to his home. I sat in my own car and waited until he entered the house to make my move. I walked up to the house and reached under his door mat, finding an extra key. "Dumbass" I said under my breath as I pocketed the key.

How dumb could he be to hide a spare key under the door mat. I wondered what else I could find just by searching the front of the house. Before I could do anymore looking, I heard a car and saw red and blue lights. My eyes widened and I moved behind a bush in front his house. I watched the cop car as it slowly drove by and turned down another street. I gave the house one last look, my eyes landing on the upstairs window. I could see a woman's shadow in front.

"His wife." I whispered as I rubbed my chin. She must know something. I looked up at the window once again and seen her shadow was no longer there. I bit my lip then finally walked off his property and hopped inside my car. The whole way home, I couldn't help but think about seeing Denise at the same place Winston was. I wondered if she had lied to me after all. I just might have to make an example out of her after all.

Once I was back at home, I entered the door and seen my dad sitting up on the couch, his head leaning in his hand. Seemed as though he tried to wait up for me but failed. I closed the door slightly, not wanting to wake him, then went to my room. I closed the door then turned on the lamp at my desk and sat down.

"That bitch knows something." I said to myself. I know Denise is apart of Kirsten going missing. I know she's still upset about me not wanting more from her than sex. Which was another reason the scorpion gang were after me, because of her. Not only did they want to steal my fortune but they wanted revenge, for something that had nothing to do with them. Now she's projected her hatred onto Kirsten.

"Michael? What time did you get in?" I heard. I slowly turned around and saw my father standing at the door.

"Not too long ago..I found Winston-"

"Good! Where is the girl?"

"You didn't let me finish!" I told him and his facial expressions changed. "I found him at this run down place with Denise and more members of the scorpion gang. I decided to follow him and found where he lives."

"So? What does that mean?"

"It means Brown must of paid him a lot of money for Kirsten." I sighed as I rubbed a hand over my face.

"So you haven't done nothing worth while yet?"

"That's not the point dad, the point is I know where that bastard stays and now I need to tread lightly with that information. He's the key to Kirsten." I said.

"Speaking of keys, the idiot left a spare key under the mat. Who does that?" I continued.

"Alright, you have a key. The boys and I could go over there and raid his shit. Hold his family hostage until he confess." Dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"The old me would of done that in a heart beat but I can't have him knowing I know where he lives so easily. I want him to unknowingly lead me to Kirsten." I said.

"What do you have in mind?"

"I need to round up the boys and have them follow him and page me updates. Maybe he'll lead us right to Kirsten." I explained.

"What if that doesn't work Michael? We need to take action now!" He yelled and banged his fist on the door.

"Why all of a sudden you care huh?" I said angrily as I stood up and knocked the chair I once sat in over.

"Because!" He started. "Because you're my son, my last piece of family I have left and if this girl means so much to you then I'd help.

"I'll help Michael." He finished. "What do you need me to do."

"I need eyes on Winston and Denise at all times. I need to know there whereabouts. If they go somewhere suspicious I need to be the first one to know."

"Whatever you want son. I'll gather everyone in the morning." He said then walked out of my room and closing the door. I plopped down on my bed and sighed. Even though I found Winston's whereabouts, I still felt powerless. I didn't know where the main person was and that was scarier.

I didn't know what he was doing to Kirsten or the baby. I couldn't stop him because he's so far away.

Far away

Far away

Or maybe he's closer than I think. I jumped off the bed and left out my room and looked around for my father. I found him in the kitchen, leaned over the counter and drinking what looks to be scotch.

"What if Kirsten isn't as far as we think." I spoke.


"What if Brown is trying to play some fucked up trick on me. What if she's still here."

"That's not a bad idea, what made you think that?"

"Winston wasn't far away..." I said.

"Right...we'll talk more in the morning son. You need some rest for tomorrow." He said as he gave my shoulder a pat before walking passed me with his glass.


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