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My heart was pounding so hard that I could practically hear it. I still sat down on the floor, trying to figure out where could they have taken Kirsten. I felt defeated at this point but I shouldn't feel this way. I should get up and hunt this man down. This situation has set back everything we had planned. Kirsten was right all along, someone was going to to go against me, and I didn't listen.

I slowly got up from my spot on the floor and ran to the phone. I called my father but he didn't answer the first time. I called again and still no answer. My breathing became ragged as I thought of the worse possibilities. I dropped the phone without hanging it up and went for the door. I hopped in my car and headed straight for my father's place.

"See, I told you to get rid of her!" My father shouted as he paced his office. "I told you she'd get in the way of things."

"It's not her fault! It's mine for even having Winston that close to her." I sighed as I dragged a hand down my face. My mind has been so clouded with thoughts that I was starting to get a headache. I was clueless as to where to start looking for Kirsten.

"You should of left that girl alone when you had the chance! There's no room for a woman while we're dealing with this shit!" He said. He was just as stressed out as me.

"I didn't mean to fall for her the way I did but things happen."

"What about Denise?" He said as he stopped in the middle of the room.


"She knows something. We need to find her." He said. When he mentioned Denise's name, I damn near forgot she was close friends with Kirsten and apart of that gang. I nodded and followed my dad out of his office.


I walked inside the club and saw Denise talking to a man, possibly trying to seduce him. I walked up on her and grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the back where the private rooms were. I practically threw her in the room as I walked in behind her. She tripped over herself and fell to the floor.

"Where the fuck is Kirsten?" I asked as I bent down to her level.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She rolled her eyes and tried to push me but I grabbed her wrist.

"You got three seconds to tell me right now or I promise I'll kill you." I threatened as I pulled out a gun and placed it against her temple. She started to tremble.

"I-I don't know, I swear!" She said, stuttering.

"I know you work for those bastards so you should know where she is." I said.

"I-I don't work for them Michael..."

"Don't lie to me!" I yelled. I wanted to kill her on the spot but I needed to get some information out of her first before I could do anything else.

"I'm not lying! I don't work for them anymore! I-I did at some point but not anymore...I wanted to leave that lifestyle."

"So you wanna leave this lifestyle after Kirsten goes missing? Funny." I said as I stood up and pointed my gun at her. "Now tell me where she is."

"M-Michael please...I-I don't know! I can promise you that I don't know." She was now on the verge of tears.

"Alright. You better not be fucking with me girl." I said as I put my gun away. I eyed her one last time before I headed for the door. "And don't tell nobody you seen me."

After leaving the club, I sat in my car with my father in front of Kirsten's apartment feeling defeated. I felt like the worse person in the world after putting my girlfriend and a child in danger like that. "Why are we here?" He asked.

"I need to look around her apartment." I mumbled before getting out and going up to her apartment. I picked the lock and easily got inside. I looked around and didn't see nothing out of the ordinary. I went inside the kitchen and seen a envelope with my name on it. I raised and eyebrow as I picked it up and opened it.

I need you to meet me at this address tonight. I have something I want to show you.

-Michael Jackson

I didn't write this shit. I started to crumble the paper until I thought of something. I read over the note again and realized it had to have been Brown's handwriting. Maybe he tried to lure Kirsten to his spot a long time ago but she didn't go. I folded the letter then left out of the apartment.

"Well?" Dad asked as I got back inside the car.

"We need to go to this address but first I need to grab something from home." I said then started the car and took off.

Once I made it home, I quickly went inside and left my father in the car. I looked around the place for that crumbled piece of paper. I found it lying on the floor and quickly picked it up. I pulled out the envelope and compared the handwriting.

"I was right..." I said to myself. I folded both papers and put them in my pocket. I grabbed another gun before leaving my place.

"What did you get?" My father asked as I got back inside the car.

"This note that he sent to me." I said.

"I found a letter in Kirsten's apartment and it's the same handwriting from the note I got." I showed my dad the letters and his eyes widened.

"Do you think this address could lead to him?" He asked.

"I don't know but we outta try." I shrugged and he nodded. I started the car up and headed to the address that was written.


I parked in front of the abandoned house and looked around confused.

"This the place? Are you sure?" My father asked as I parked the car. I gave him the same confused look he gave me. The place looked more like a shack to me. There were trees growing out of it, the porch caved in, and the roof had a hole in it. I couldn't believe Brown tried to lure Kirsten over here.

"That's what the address say..and this is the only house here." I spoke as I continued to look around. He probably was going to kill her and leave her here in this abandoned place. Thank God she knew not to come here but I'm surprised she never asked me about it.

"Well from the looks of it, I'm sure he's not keeping her here." Dad said and I nodded in agreement as I put the car in drive and drove away.

God, where are you Kirsten?

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