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Down below are the forms. Be sure to read my OC's form as well!

Clan: (Optional)
Village from:
Jutsu moves:
Good or Bad:
Smut: Yes or no?
Cussing: Yes or no?
Turn ons:
Turn offs:

Here's my OC'S form

Name: Madeline
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Clan: None
Village from: The Village of Sound
Looks: Madeline has long, wavy/curly strawberry brown hair and brown eyes, and olive skin. She wears black short shorts, black fishnet tights, a long sleeve pink crop top shirt, white shoes, black ripped gloves, and a black sparkling choker. She has a pouch on her pocket full of weapons and such, and wears the Village of Sound headband with a line through the symbol

Personality: Cold, quiet, keeps to herself, and can be cruel at times. Once you get to know her, she can be funny, spunky, and cool.
Likes: Animals, adventures, fighting, taking down bad guys

Dislikes: Jerks, people who abuse animals, fakers, betrayal, and seeing her loved ones get hurt or die
Crush: Deidara , Sasuke or Kakashi
Jutsu moves: Madeline can do fire jutsu and other jutsus as well, but mainly fire
Chakra: Lighting
Good or Bad: In between
Weapon(s): She has a black and dark purple scythe
Smut: Yes
Cussing: Yes
Turn ons: Dirty talking, being dominated, slightly roughness, teasing
Turn offs: Pulling her hair, blood, abuse, and bondage
Extra: Her nickname is Maddy. Madeline was born into a family that perfected and protected Jutsu moves. Her parents one day created a Jutsu so powerful and deadly, that they sealed it away in a safe deep down under the house. When she was a child, she had awoken to some noises. She saw her parents, on the floor slain. Orochimaru had killed her parents and stole the forbidden Jutsu, but spared her. To this day, Madeline lives alone and kills the bad guys. She is wanted by many villages since she kills the bad guys instead of turning them in.

Wait till I accept your form, then you can begin roleplaying. Have fun and follow the rules!

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