Part one.

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Veronica walked up her driveway at 11pm on Saturday, stressed from a long work day as the bartender at a gay bar. Usually, you would have a gay man be the bartender, however last time the man was killed and raped ferociously after hours with a bottle of what was hopefully, Irish cream stuck in his belly button. That story haunts Veronica daily, in fact. Although, she doesn't let it get to her because she knows the men are not attracted to her. 

As Veronica slid the keys to her house into the door, she heard a car pull up into her driveway. She looked to the side to see her wife, Harley, come home. Both Harley and Veronica were quite similar. They were both lesbian, and they both had long, brown, braided hair. The two girls were both straight at one point, both driven crazy by their past husbands. Come one night while they met at the superstore down the block, they laid eyes on each other. Within a few minutes, they finished buying the groceries, yet they purposely bumped into each other. While Veronica's tits swayed from the shockwave casted due to the two carts ramming each other, Harley glared at the nipples, watching them harden as Harley's pussy grew moist.

I'm sure you can guess what happened next. Both Harley and Veronica came home late that night. They drove in the dark, hoping their husbands didn't bring home yet another girl without their permission, although... it happened. Back to back, scream after scream. They yelled at each other. Veronica, and Harley had enough.

"I want to file a divorce with you! You fucking homo!" cried Veronica, hiding her tears from the 15 year old girl on her couch.
"Fine, do what you want. I never loved you anyways!" responded the man, while he glanced towards the young woman, softly petting her arms. His cock grew. While Veronica packed her stuff, the girl's ex-husband screwed the minor in the kitchen. While Veronica gathered the last bits of her clothes and belongings, she muted the screaming and heavy groaning from the man she once used to love.

"I used to love you... Jeremy." mumbled the depressed woman, as she closed the door behind her.

Veronica looked up. She was set on starting her new life, she was fed up with the constant torture and sexism she felt. She proceeded to pace into the darkened alleyway, hoping for no less than a figure to grab her and give her some sort of pleasure. She was sex starved.

A muffled voice was heard, Veronica's ears lifted, she peered around the street looking for hints of the voice.

"Veronica...." whispered Harley from an abandoned couch.
"H-Harley? Is t-that you?" said Veronica.
"Yes... Come to me... I'm over here..."

Veronica felt as if she could trust no one. But for some reason... She felt a connection of some sort towards Harley. Veronica shuffled her way through the decade-old gravel, hoping for some relief of a reality.

That night both Harley and Veronica, two single women, unable to pay for divorce papers, slept on a crack-addict couch left for them. The sounds of the frat house across the valley overpowered their dreams, and sounds of the two grinding on the cut and abused thighs they now finally own again. Both of them scared, scared of the future they both knew they were going to have...

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