Chapter 3 - A New Set of Eyes

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As I walked out of Grian's base I noticed another purple feather. I looked back to see Grian pacing in circles around his sorting system. I picked up the feather and walked out of the mansion. I almost forgot to put on my elytra before trying to fly to my base. I fumbled to find my communicator to message X. I started telling him about how it looked like a broken elytra piece but felt and looked like a feather. I continued to explain how Grian acted. He angled himself in a weird way and the elytra excuse didn't add up. I remembered how a feather looking thing fell from the pillar. It was just like the feather in my hand. Grian even acted weird like he didn't want me to see the feather.

The next day I decided to chat with X in the shopping district. I saw Grian blowing up his build. That was weird but I decided not to take notice of it. I met with X at my mayor base. I put the feathers in front of X. "They seem like feathers but why are they purple" I ponder aloud. "Could be an angel" X said. "An angel? There is no way angels are real or here" I said. "I've seen the mounted wings of one before in a shop. The wings seemed to come in different colors if the rainbow. " X continued. "I found it near Grian and there is no way he would be able to hide something like that" I mumble. "There has to be a more realistic answer to this." I stumble to find an example. "dyed chicken feathers?" I wasn't confident in that answer. X's explanation made too much sense. It explained the weird behavior, the love of flying, the way he showed up in season 6, the feathers. The points where connecting but I didn't want to believe them.  Grian wouldn't be able to keep a secret like that.

I decided to keep my suspicion down. I kept telling myself it was broken elytra pieces or chicken feathers. X's words wouldn't leave though. They kept playing like a broken record. If there was an angel they would be scared for their life. Maybe Grian was hiding them. That would make sense. Grian would help someone in a time like that. This possibility could also explain the feathers and weird behavior. I started to believe this more than Grian being an angel. It followed more logic in my head. I fully believe Grian couldn't keep a secret like that. I mean he's messing up trying to hide an angel or him being an angel. Why would he mess up now, if he was an angel he survived all of season 6. Why is he messing up now?

 Why is he messing up now?

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