Movie day

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Eren: "Hey Levi, do you want to watch a movie?"

Levi: "Yeah sure. What movie do you want to watch?"

Eren: "How about The Fault in our Stars, I haven't seen it and people say it's pretty good"

Levi: "I'm too manly to watch those movies"

Eren: *hug's Levi* "Please!! Just do this for me"

Levi: "Tch fine!"

Eren: "Yay"

*1 hour later*

Levi: *starts crying* "Why did that had to happen?!"

Eren: "And you said you were too manly for these movies"

Sup, so sorry that is so short but I camed with the idea and it was funny, so yeah. But anyways hope you enjoy and etc.


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