"Ask mommy"

Valerie spins around. She looks up to Veronica with big eyes. "Mommy can I?"

"Sure honey"

Valerie giggles and turns back to Archie. She reaches her arms towards him but he shakes his head. "You're five years old now and you have two healthy feet. You can walk on your own"

"Fine" she mumbles. She grabs her dad's hand and pulls him to the elevators.
Once they're outside Valerie holds on to Archie's hand tightly. The crowded streets of Manhattan scare her sometimes. All her fear disappears when she sees Reggie. She lets go of Archie's hand and runs towards her dad's friend.

"Reggie!" she giggles. He tosses her into the air and then holds her close. "Happy birthday girly"

"Thank you" she giggles.
Valerie gasps when she sees the big present in the back of Archie's truck. "Is that for me?"


"What is it?"

"You will have to wait to find out" Reggie laughs "I won't tell you"

"Okay" she squeals. She kisses Reggie's cheek before he sets her back down. She proudly walks in front of the two men, leading them up to the apartment.


"Mommy, mommy look! My present is so big!" Valerie squeals. She runs to Veronica, grabs her hand and jumps up and down.

"Oh wow" Veronica says. She really is surprised by the size of the present. It's almost as big as Valerie.
"Archie I told you I don't want you to buy anything expensive"

"It wasn't. I did this myself. Okay Reggie helped me"

"Can I open it now mommy? Please, please, pretty please?"

"No honey. I told you we open presents when everyone's here. Auntie Betty and Uncle Jug aren't here yet, grandma isn't here, Katy isn't here-"


"And why should we break the rules?" Veronica giggles. She runs her fingers through Valerie's hair.

"Because you're the best mommy in the world and I love you so much"

"Okay fine but just that one present"

Valerie squeals she kisses Veronica's hand before she  runs to Archie. Veronica follows. She's curious about what's inside.
Within seconds the little girl unwraps the gift. She gasps and covers her mouth. It's a giant doll house, one that looks exactly like the Pembrooke. There are so many details.
"Now you always have a little piece of Riverdale here at home"

"It's beautiful daddy. Thank you!" She grins widely and wraps her arms tightly around his legs.
"You're welcome princess. Say thank you to uncle Reggie too. He helped me"

Valerie turns her head and looks up to Reggie. She blows him a little kiss which he responds to with a "you're welcome girly"

"Mommy, daddy can we play a little bit?"

Veronica sighs "You can play with Reggie and daddy. Mommy has to help abuelita with some stuff"

Valerie looks up to the two men. A little smile develops on her face before she giggles. "Can we play please?" she asks and batts her eyelashes. She may only be 5 years old but she knows how she can make Archie do what she wants.


Archie and Veronica sit next to each other on the couch. They stare at Valerie who sits on the floor and plays with her barbies and her new doll house. Their parents are in the kitchen. This is much like Valerie's  first birthday or any of her birthdays. There is silence between Archie and Veronica. It's not an uncomfortable one but it's not really comfortable either.

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