Chapter 3

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The Spark


Jinyoung successfully got in at Seoul National University after being the top of their whole level. She received praises from friends, teachers, and family, especially Taemin who bought her a new album of Super Junior, 'Sexy Free & Single' as a graduation gift.

"So you're an ELF as well!?" the girl in Jinyoung's class exclaimed. "I am starting to enjoy this class with you. We should hang out sometimes" the girl added.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name earlier, you were talking a bit too fast" Jinyoung shyly answered. It looks like someone tops off her talkativeness.

"Oh that's okay. I'm Soo Yeon. Min Soo Yeon. You see, it's my first time to see an ELF who is not a sasaeng. I tried befriending the other fans who I have met, but they all turned out to be sasaengs, it was so creepy" Sooyeon shrugged as she tells Jinyoung her encounters with sasaeng fans.

As Jinyoung was able to adjust with Sooyeon's level of talkativeness, they clicked easily and was already unseparable.

"You're telling that you never had boyfriend!? EVER!?" Sooyeon was nearly shocked to death when she heard that Jinyoung is single since birth.

"That kind of thing doesn't really run on my mind. Although, I once thought if it would be nice to have one throughout highschool" Jinyoung chuckled.

"I know a lot of eligible boys for you. If you want, I could introduce you to some of them" Sooyeon mischievously suggested.

"I don't know about that. I think I'm fine with being by myself for now" Jinyoung sighed which made Sooyeon sulk in disappointment.

"Even if it is fine for you, it's not for me. Next week, I will be introducing you to Do Min Cheol. Just get to know him, you don't have to date each other if you don't feel like it" Sooyeon insists.

"I'll think about it. It's just that I don't think that I'm ready for that kind of thing" Jinyoung was a bit unsure about her new friend's idea.

"Alright. Just don't leave me hanging. Let me know what you think before I schedule the meet up" they finished their meal and went back to classes.

As Jinyoung got home, she couldn't help but still be skeptical about the meet up. She suddenly remember what she must do every time she is unsure of something, calling Taemin. Luckily, they have finished their schedule already and Taemin  was permitted to go to Jinyoung's house.

Jinyoung decided to prepare snacks while waiting for Taemin. She made cookies, popcorn, and bought ice cream from the convenience store near them. While waiting for Taemin, she also prepared their home theatre and looked for some great movies.

As Taemin got to Jinyoung's house, he already knew where to go since movie night is their favourite thing when hanging out. As he got in, Jinyoung was already starting the movie.

"Hey! That's unfair! Why did you start without me?"  he complained as he sat down.

"You were taking so long and I got so bored" she answered while still keeping her attention to the movie.
"Before you get comfortable. Could you get the ice cream from the freezer" she requested.

"Oh, Taemin-ah! How have you been?" he ran into Jinyoung's mother on the way to the kitchen.

"I just got off from our schedule. Jinyoung and I wanted to catch up with some things that happened" he politely answered. He went to the freezer, grabbed the two pints of ice cream, and went back to theatre room.

Both of them was so immersed in the movies that they each unconsciously finished a whole pint of ice cream, a tray of cookies, and a large bowl of popcorn.

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