"Don't thank me so soon! That baby will obviously be a ball of energy, you might hate me for giving birth to it."

"No... no... I-" he stopped himself and she saw him close his eyes. She wondered what was going on in his mind right now but he was inaccessible. When he opened them again, he had regained full control of himself. "It is our baby. I would never hate you even if that child is a copy of Naruto."

"Oh stop that, you'd be glad if that child is a little Naruto. You love Naruto like a brother and you admire him. Don't act like you don't in front of me."

"Naruto is Naruto."

"Yes, and you love him. You don't have to say it out loud but admit it to yourself at least."


Tuesday, 10th of Mars. Pregnancy week 25.

"Sakura, sit down."

"No, my legs get uncomfortable when I sit. I need to walk."

"Walking in circle is going to exhaust you and we still have a two days journey before we get to our next destination."

"Sorry but I get really uncomfortable when I sit."

He let out a sigh. Theses past days had been a nightmare. She was constantly complaining about her legs being uncomfortable. She needed to move them to make the feeling disappear but then she would complain about her cramps and swollen joints because she walked too much. Sasuke did not know what to do at this point.

"Well we can keep walking so at least you don't exhaust yourself for nothing."

"Yeah." She was already walking ahead of him and he had to run to catch up to her. "Sasuke?"


"Should I cut my hair?"

He offered her his hand so she could safely walk on top of the fallen tree that she wanted to climb. He took a second to look at her hair. It had grown extremely fast this month. Her hair was now below her waist. She was doing the same hairstyle as Tsunade's and he honestly liked it. It made her look more adult.

"No. Keep it like that for a while."

"So you like it?" she jumped off the tree still holding his hand.


"Well, you're very talkative today." she said and he picked up the annoyed tone she used.

"I'm tired."

"It's your fault. I told you that you could sleep. If anything happened I could've woken you up."

"I don't want to risk it."

"You haven't slept in four days though. Now if something happens you won't be able to fight."

"I'm fine. Watch your step." he said that as she tripped over a rock. "I just told you to watch your step."

"You're so annoying when you don't get enough sleep."

"You're not easy to live with right now either."

"Yeah but I'm pregnant. I have an excuse."

He decided not to reply. He just wanted to avoid a fight, get to the village and get into a bed right now. He had nothing against her, he just needed some sleep.

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)Where stories live. Discover now