"Touya..." | Part 2

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Notes: I recommend listening to Ed Sheeran, Photograph, while reading this.
Summary: Continuation/ending of '"Touya..." | Part 1'. 

That broke Todoroki's emotional dam. He sunk in a heap onto the rubble, tears curving down his cheeks and spattering the concrete beneath.

Hawks moved forward, succesfully arresting Dabi. As the villain was lead away by police, the No.2 hero (technically No.1 after Endeavor's fall) approached the sobbing teen.

Kneeling down, Hawks drew Todoroki into an embrace, whispering soothing words.

"It's okay, you'll be okay."

Back at the dorms, everyone crowded around the TV was stock-still, not a muscle twitching. To see such a stoic classmate reduced to a crying heap was harrowing. A shiny wetness sheened most of their eyes, and even Aizawa was struggling to keep his emotions in check.

"Hey, littlest Todoroki." Hawks said to get the teen's attention. "I'm gonna fly you back to U.A now."

Todoroki just nodded into his chest, and with two large beats of Hawks' crimson wings, they were in the air.

"He's coming back here!" Kaminari announced, and the students rushed outside. Aizawa was close behind, after notifying the other teachers that Todoroki was coming back safely.

Hawks was carrying the teen, and his heart clenched painfully at every muffled sob. Todoroki was clearly trying to hide the fact he was crying, but nothing could escape Hawks' keen ears.

"Hey, hey, you're okay." The hero whispered as they landed on U.A. grounds just outside the dorms. The instant Todoroki was set on his own two feet, he was swarmed by the rest of class 1-A, Aizawa included.

Aizawa could not find it in his heart to tell the boy off for running away- they could come back to it later. Right now, Todoroki had just lost his father (an abusive one but still his father), learnt his brother was a villain and captured said villain.

"Back off." The underground pro ordered to the students having a huge group hug. Todoroki was at the center, looking dazed, and still had tear marks trailing down his face.

"Todoroki, come with me." Aizawa ordered. The teen sighed softly, but he found himself not caring what punishment awaited him.

"Yes, Sensei." Todoroki said, following the pro hero to the teachers' lounge. The older man stopped at the door, pausing for a second before enveloping the younger in a hug.

"I am so sorry this is happening to you." Aizawa muttered.

"It's not your fault, Sensei." Todoroki replied, returning the embrace awkwardly.

"Let's get inside." Aizawa said, leaving the hug with a bit of reluctance. He doubted the boy had been held in a long time. Todoroki nodded in agreement, and the pair entered the teachers' lounge.

All of the staff were on their feet immediately. All Might shuffled forward, also embracing the boy. Despite being in his skeletol form, the blonde was still surprisingly strong.

"Todoroki, my boy." He greeted softly. "I'm glad you're back safely."

"Ya, you had us worried, little listener!" Present Mic announced.

"Sure did." Midnight added on, with a little smile.

"Excuse us, we have to talk to Nezu." Aizawa spoke up, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder and steering him through the crowd. The teachers did not miss the miniscule flinch at the touch.

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