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Notes: All Might is not retired. Endeavor is N0.2, Hawks in NO.3. Takes place during the two days the students had off after the sports festival. Japanese honorifics are used after the names.

Warnings: abuse, injury,

Summary: Hawks visits the Todoroki residence, and sees something is off with Shouto.

Endeavor and Hawks weren't the best of friends. Sure, the latter looked up to the former, but that didn't immediately put them on friendly grounds. They'd work well together on occasion, and sometimes ate lunch together to discuss hero business but that was as far as it went.

So Hawks didn't know why the hell he was standing outside the Todoroki mansion, holding a flipping cake of all things. To be truthful, he had just come to congratulate Endeavor on a recent villain fight he'd won, but he couldn't shake the feeling he was doing this to see his childhood idol's abode in all it's glory.

Hawks knocked anyway. The sound echoed throughout what he presumed was an entrance hallway. His sharp ears picked up something that sounded like cries, but he chalked it up to a misbehaving child in one of the neighbouring mansions.

"SHOUTO, get the door." Endeavor commanded, voice bouncing of the walls and making it's way to where Hawks was listening intently.

The grand entrance was tugged open by none other than the U.A. student, Todoroki Shouto.

"Hawks-san?" He asked, lifiting a crimson, questioning eyebrow. No admiration first, Hawks noted, unlike most teenagers.

"Ah, Shouto-kun, I'd like to speak with your father." The no.3 hero plastered on is television grin, rubbing the back of his neck like usual when he was nervous.

"Come in." Shouto stepped aside, holding open the large door with practised ease. Only when the boy turned around, did Hawks notice the unmistakeable marks of a whip creeping out the top of Shouto's plain shirt.

"How are you?" Hawks asked conversationally, avoiding jumping into his cause for concern right away.

"I'm okay, you?" The teen didn't turn to face him, instead choosing to carry on leading Hawks down multiple halls.

"I'm great!" The hero exclaimed before his features darkened. "Shouto-kun?"

"Hm?" Shouto spun around at the sudden change in tone.

"What's on your back?" Hawks asked, narrowing his eyes slightly as the boy tensed.

"Nothing." He answered quickly- too quickly.

"I thought I saw-" Hawks began again.

"Here we are." Shouto slid open a wooden door, revealing a small sitting area with none other than Endeavor on one of the leaf-green sofas.

"Hawks-san." Endeavor nodded his head towards the other adult.

"Endeavor-san! Long time no see, eh?" Hawks laughed awkwardly.

"What're you doing here?" Endeavor asked.

"I-uh just wanna say congrats on that last villain fight!" Hawks smiled, coming closer.

"I see. Shouto, you're dismissed." Endeavor ordered. He flapped his hand carelessly at the boy, and Shouto gladly exited the room. Dismissed? Hawks was confused; who the hell uses language like that with their own family?

"Well, Hawks-san, thanks." Endeavor continued, drawing Hawks' attention from the door to him again.

"Ah, good good. I brought cake!" Hawks held up the yellow tin, glinting in the sunlight the large windows provided.

Todoroki Shouto One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now