Let It Go

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Summary: Kaminari finds out Todoroki is scared of kettles. Class 1-A expected Kaminari to be outed as a liar that dinner, they did not expect to discover one of Todoroki's deepest secrets.

"I'm telling you, Todoroki is scared of kettles." Kaminari insisted.

"As if!" Mina scoffed. "He's never scared."

"And of kettles! You're ridiculous Kaminari." Kirishima snorted and even Ojiro smiked a bit.

"Well, it's just stupid if he is." Mineta looked smug. "No one believes you Kaminari." The pervert added.

"I'll bet on it!" Kaminari announced. "I bet 2000 yen!"

"I bet 2000 yen he isn't scared of kettles!" Mina screeched, and before long two thirds of the class had betted against Kaminari.

"Oh Imma be so rich." Kaminari rubbed his hands together with glee. "Tonight at dinner, I'll use the kettle and just watch!"

Later at dinner

Kaminari stood grinning in the kitchen as the rest of class 1-A, sans Todoroki and Midoriya, watched intently.

Eventually, Midoriya arrived, raising an eyebrow at the weird set-up. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh you'll see." Kaminari smiled again.

Finally, Todoroki entered the kitchen and Kaminari approached him.

"Heeeeey Todoroki." The electric teen said, swinging the kettle near the taller male.

"Get that thing away from me." Todoroki deadpanned, but the other's could pick up a hint of fear.

"Are you scared?" Kaminari asked, coming closer.

"STOP IT!" Midoriya cried.

"Please get it away." Todoroki pleaded.

"Scared of kettles, are we?" Mineta taunted. Todoroki snapped.

"WOULDN'T YOU BE?" He yelled, pointing to his scar as flames engulf it. He stormed out the dorms, the doors slightly charred and melted when they slammed behind him.

"What the hell was that?" Kaminari asked, brow furrowed.

"Boiling water from a kettle was what caused his scar." Midoriya said angrily, shooting everyone dirty looks. "How could you?"

"We didn't know-"

"TRAUMA'S NOT SOMETHING TO MESS WITH!" The greenette shouted, activating One For All and going after Todoroki.

"Oh my God." Yaoyorozu said softly. "What have we done? He'll never trust us again."

"That was incredibly disrespectful. Even if you didn't know, you shouldn't make fun of people's fears." Iida scolded. "Especially trauma-related ones." He added, glaring at Kaminari.

"And we betted on it." Mina said, tears dripping down her pink cheeks.

"I'm not giving you my bet money, Kaminari." Sero said, and everyone else nodded.

"I don't want it anymore." Kaminari said, chucking the kettle across the room. "How could I be so damn stupid?"

"The best thing we can do is support Todoroki when he comes back." Yaoyorozu announced.

"What happened here?" Everyone turned to see Aizawa at the doorway. He raised an eyebrow.

"Why is the kettle misshapen, door melted and Mina crying? And what was all that shouting?"

"Sensei! Kaminari discovered Todoroki was scared of kettles, and most of the class betted on it. Turns out, boiling water from the kettle is the cause of Todoroki's scar and he stormed out! Midoriya has gone after him!" Iida explained clearly.

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