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Summary: Endeavor takes Todoroki to a speech with him. During that speech, Endeavor voices some negative opinions about U.A. and Todoroki isn't having it.

Once the students had been dismissed, the teachers retreated, exhausted, to the teachers' lounge.

"Yo, guys, wanna watch Endeavor's speech?" Present Mic called from the teachers' lounge sofa.

"And why would we want to do that?" Aizawa grumbled.

"Well, Todoroki's gonna be there too!" Present Mic announced, pointing to the screen.

"So, he got special leave from the dorms and he missed heroics class... for a speech?!" Aizawa frowned, unzipping the sleeping bag.

"That doesn't seem like him." Midnight commented from her desk.

"I doubt he has a choice when Endeavor's concerned." Cementoss reasoned, sifting through papers to be graded.

"Imma watch it. It might be interesting." Present Mic continued.

"What's it even about?" Midnight asked.

"Uh- hero duties, crime rates, his son's schooling-"

"Ooh, the last one should be interesting." Aizawa growled. "Wonder what Mr No.1 has to say about us."

"I agree with Aizawa, so I'm joining." Midnight pushed her chair back under the desk and flopped on the sofa beside Present Mic.

"I guess I'll watch it too." Cementoss joined them, sinking into an armchair tiredly.

"C'mon Shouta! Don't you want to see what Endeavor has to say about you!?" Present Mic wheedled.

"Not particularly. But I'll join anyway." Aizawa dragged his sleeping bag over, settling at the end of the sofa.

"Okay!" Present Mic picked up the remote and switched onto the right channel.

Endeavor stood tall, broad chest forward and arms crossed. Todoroki stood a whole metre away, two-toned hair slicked back in a style entirely unlike his usual one. His miserable expression was probably accounted to the fact his full scar was on display and he was missing hero studies for his old man's stupid speech.

"Woah. Todoroki does not look happy." Midnight remarked.

"He doesn't like missing class." Aizawa explained, still scowling.

Endeavor leaned closer to his son, whispering something the microphones could not pick up. It must of had something to do with Todoroki's expression contorting into a strained smile.

"Oh dear." Cementoss sighed. "I don't think he likes media either."

"Understandable." Aizawa grumbled and Midnight let out a high-pitched laugh.

"So, Endeavor, how are your hero duties going?" A reporter asked.

The teachers barely paid any notice to Endeavor's rambling on the first two topics, opting to either review lesson plans or read magazines.

"Endeavor! How is your son's schooling?" Another reporter piped up after 20 minutes of boring talking.

The teachers dropped what they were doing in favour of hearing the No.1's opinion on their teaching.

"Here it goes." Midnight whispered.

Endeavor put a hand on Todoroki's shoulder, but the teen jerked back, fake smile washing off his face instantly.

Todoroki Shouto One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now