Chapter 7

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Dick stares up at the Batman suit. 

"I can barely walk, let alone wear that again." Bruce stands next to him. 

"Do you have any idea how many worlds, people are going to die?"

"Well, if they're anything like this world, maybe that's for the best."

"What-" Dick takes a step back. 

"There was no hope for this world." Bruce looks at him. 

"That's because you killed Superman!" Kara and Kate barge into the room. 

"Dick come here." Kate motions him over. 

He's frozen in place. He killed Superman? 

Bruce stands protectively in front on him. 

"Get away from him!" Kate snaps. Dick looks up at him. 


"Strange visitor from another planet comes to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men?" He adavances towards Kara.  "Clark. Clark always said yes to anyone with a badge or a flag. He gave them too much power. My parents taught me a very different lesson. Life only makes sense if you force it to." He picks up Kara and hurls her to the floor; Kate rushes over to Kara's side and they both watch helplessly as Bruce activates a kryptonite device on his right gauntlet. "A little souvenir from the old home town." 

Kara begins to feel the effects of kryptonite slowly making her weak.

Dick stares in shock. "No..." 

Bruce looks over to his son. "The Dick I knew didn't trust anyone, let alone a Kryptonian." He prepares to attack Kara again but- 

"No!" Dick pushes him  toward an electric panel, and Bruce gets electrocuted. He goes to help him but Kate pulls him away. "You'll die." 

Kara gets up and walks away. 


He turns to face his father, tears streaming down his face. 

"Listen to me...There is no hope..." Bruce extends his arm and drops the piece of kryptonite in Dick's hand before dying. 

Kate pulls him away, "Come on, let's go."

He doesn't move. 

"There's nothing we could do now...Let's go." 

With one last look at Bruce, Dick walks away, holding the piece of kryptonite close. 

{A/n okay this one was short but 🤪}

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