Chapter 3

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"Okay I'm officially whelmed...." Robin looks up at the tower.

"Whatever is inside there, it's working. The anti-matter wave has stopped and it's slowly dissipating." Ray speaks up.

"How do we protect that thing from an enemy we know nothing about, but we know is coming?" Kate questions.

"We head inside stake out strategic positions. If we're fortified, we control the battle." They turn around to see Oliver and Mia walking towards them.

A explosion happens not to far away.

" An earthquake that magnitude could overwhelm the entire coast."

"Go," Kate turns towards Kara, Barry, and Clark. "Help contain the damage."

"Go we've got this."

Oliver grabs his bow, "Let's go inside and dig in."


"So, what is this? The proverbial calm before the storm?" Mia breaks the silence.

"Something like that." Oliver glances at Mia before saying something in a low voice that Robin can't pick up.

They look outside to see the shadow demons.

"Okay. When Lyla said an army, I thought she meant an army..."

"She did, but we've never fought one like this before."

Robin did a flip and kicked a shadow demon in the face. "She said, 'One army' It's more like ten!"

"Take cover!"

They hide behind a few rocks.

"Hey uhm would you mind if I gave you guys those upgrades now?" Ray asked nervously.

Kate and Robin hand over their batarangs.

"Oh, so cool! Incredibly balanced. Carbon fiber?" Ray looked over to them with an excited grin.

"Your friend talks a lot." Mia said.

"Yeah you get used to it...Hey Ray? Focus!" Oliver ordered.

"Right! Focusing.... Now, if we can just charge your Batarang with my compressed light energy..."


Robin and Kate grab them from Ray before he was done and hurl them towards the shadow demons. All of them disappearing in purple smoke.

Robin grins while Kate turns to Ray, "Not bad."

"You guys need some help?" Barry rushes towards them, followed by Kara and Clark.


"Is that it?" Barry asked.

"Right, because that was easy." Robin scoffs.

Barry shrugs.

"They're on the roof." Ray notifies the rest.

"What's happening out there?" Alex asked over the comms. "The skies are red again, the anti-matter wave's moving, and the portal isn't open yet."

"There's more shadow demons incoming." Mia looks outside.

"Kara, Clark, get to the roof. Get the tower operational again. We'll stay behind and hold them off." Oliver orders.

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