Chapter 2

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They all sit in silence.

"Wait so there's an anti-matter wave wiping out all the Earths and we have to stop it before it destroys the multiverse?" Robin questions.

Harbinger nods.

"Cool, second question, now this one might sound familiar but, why didn't you get the League? I'm sure they could help with this."

"I'm going to side with bird boy." Mia starts, as Robin rolls his eyes "Very original.", "What's a kid in a mask and a cape going to do?"

Robin glares but can't help but agree.

"Robin serves a higher purpose. One that can't be revealed just yet." Harbinger responds.

"Ooo mysterious." Robin says sarcastically.

Someone rushes into the room, "I think you're going to want to see this."

Outside in the middle of the city is a giant tower.

"Hey guys, you're probably wondering what that thing is." Some man walks towards them in a weird suit. "But don't worry that thing is going to stop the anti-matter wave! For a while at least..."

He notices Robin. "Oh hey! I don't think we've met. I'm Ray-"

"Robin." He barely even looks at him but instead looks over Ray's shoulder to see a woman dressed in a white suit.

Robins eye's go wide which are shown by the lenses in the mask widening.

She laughs awkwardly. "I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Not in this Earth no..."


Robin stares at the bright city lost in thought.

He tenses as he feels someone approaching only to see that it's Kate.

She stands next to him in silence.

"So what's the deal with me?" He starts a conversation. "Why am I some fairy tale?"

"Because...You and Bruce went missing."

Robin looks at her. How did she know-

Kate laughs. "Right, should've been more straight forward...I'm Bruce's cousin..."

Robin relaxes. "Oh."

"I'm guessing you know who I am then?"

"Dick Grayson?"

"Yeah..." He looks at her.

"Well, one day you and Bruce were at some party next morning you were missing. No one's heard from either of you in 10 years." She looks at him.

"Is that why you took over? As Batwoman?"

Kate sighs. "Someone had to..."

Robin cursed under his breath before taking off his mask.

She smiled. "It's good to see you again."

Dick sighs and toys with the mask.

"Hey...I'm not so great at the whole Aunt thing but I'm here if you need to talk about all this..."

"Thanks..." He looks over at her, eyebrow raised in question. "Aunt?"

"Technically second cousin but you didn't seem to like the term, so you just called me Aunt Kate."

He gives a laugh. "Well I'm not sure about the aunt thing but thanks..."


The two look off into the city in silence. 

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