Chapter 19 : Why Are Goodbyes So Hard

Start from the beginning

Nuru-Baako turned from where he'd been staring out over the sea. "Sorry Id." he said, crossing over to us, "It was kind of short notice. Mother and father sent me a letter which I only received yesterday afternoon, saying they were sending a ship to collect me as soon as possible."

Iduna suddenly threw her arms around him and buried her head into his shoulder, "I'm gonna miss you."

He looked taken aback for a moment, but then hugged her in return, "I'm going to miss you too." then he looked at Arianna and me, "I'm going to miss all of you. You've made me feel so welcome here."

Tears welled in Arianna's eyes, revealing the vulnerable and sensitive side of her which was never put on show very often. "Why is saying goodbye so hard?" she gulped, wrapping Nuru-Baako in a hug too.

I suddenly felt awkward and uncomfortable and had to turn my face away, intently studying my new watch as if it were the most important and exquisite oil-painting in the world.

It really was brilliant though, what with it's golden rim and numbering, and the two silver hands which revolved the white face with the faintest, and an almost calming, ticking sound. It had been my gift from Iduna and I hadn't taken it off since Christmas.

I couldn't help but notice she always seemed to wear the necklace I'd got her as well.

But really, I was just relieved she actually liked it.

After a few minutes of shutting every sound out, I scratched my head and looked up again. The three had broken apart from the hug and now stood together, with me standing just on the outskirts of their circle. I cleared my throat and twisted myself around to join the huddle, "The boat should be arriving soon, right?

"Want to get rid of my that easily?" Nuru-Baako grinned teasingly.

"Of course not. It's just -"

Nuru-Baako laughed, "I was teasing Agnarr."

Iduna nudged my shoulder, "Come on Arendelle. Can't you take a joke?" she laughed, and just like every other time she laughed, I felt warmth in my chest and had a strange feeling that I knew that laugh. It bugged me how I couldn't place it.

"Of course I can take a joke, it's only that -"

Arianna patted my shoulder with mock-sympathy, "We get it tough guy. Let's just change the subject shall we?"

I dropped my head into my hands, "That'd probably be best."

Everyone laughed again, though I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder with something more than just teasing.

When I looked up, the hand was gone.

"OK, so trolls." Nuru-Baako said, glancing between us slyly, "Are you gonna go troll hunting?"

Arianna rubbed her hands together eagerly, "You know it! We'll send you a specimen!"

"Please don't, I've seen pictures of those things; if anything about them shows up on our doorstep, my mother would freak." Nuru-Baako grinned.

My sister pouted. It seemed to be an expression which drove guys around her crazy and I found it hilarious. Especially with Frederic; she had him wrapped around her little finger! It was brilliant!

"Hey!" Nuru-Baako threw his arms up in surrender, "Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just saying it like it is."

We all laughed before engaging in an in-depth discussion about the existence of the rock trolls which were supposedly native to Arendelle.

I'd read about them in lots of books, and during the last couple weeks of winter we had begun discussing them. It all started when Iduna randomly mentioned them in a conversation about something completely unrelated.

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