"Well Miss Lodge, it was about time. You're already 6 centimeters dilated. You're giving birth today" a midwife says.

"What?! But the due date isn't for another week"

"Your daughter doesn't seem to care. She wants out"

"No I'm not ready"

"You got this Miss Lodge. Women have been doing this for forever"

Veronica turns her head to Archie. Her eyes are big and full of tears. "Call my mom"

Archie needs a second to process what the midwife and Veronica just said before he pulls out his phone.

"Mrs.... Mrs Lodge Veronica is in labor"
"Mhm..... mhm..... okay...... I'll tell her. Bye"

"What did she say?"

"Your parents are on their way but they will need a couple of hours"

"So that means I have to give birth with just you by my side? Without my mom?"

"I'll do anything I can to support you"

"Just don't talk!" Veronica groans and moves her hands to her stomach.

"Miss Lodge would you like an epidural?"

"Yes, definitely!"


3 hours past and Veronica is now 10 centimeters dilated. She accepted the fact that there will be just Archie with her while she's giving birth.

"Are you ready to have a baby?" the midwife asks with a big smile on her face.

"Yes" Veronica giggles. She's excited, really excited. The epidural is helping a lot and she definitely feels less pain. Archie moves closer to her and reaches for her hand. She takes it and holds it tightly.

"Okay, it's time to push. 1 .... 2 .... 3"

She starts pushing and suddenly feels a little more pain then before but it's still better than this morning. She catches her breath before she pushes again.

"Good job girl! Her head is already out. Now the shoulders. This will be the hardest and most painful part okay?"

Veronica nods before she starts pushing again. She squeezes Archies hand even tighter now. Sweat and tears run down her face. Archie has to bite the inside of his lip to keep himself from screaming. He's sure Veronica just broke his hand. He doesn't dare to complain though. She's giving birth to his child and that's definitely more painful than a broken hand.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" she screams and holds his hand tighter.

"You almost got it Ronnie"

He hates to see her in pain. The worst thing is that he can't do anything to help her. All he can do is hold her hand and tell how good she does.
He can't wait to meet his little daughter. He wants to know what she looks like. Raven curls or red hair, olive skin or pale skin, freckles or no freckles, hazel eyes or dark eyes. The list goes on and on. By now his hand hurts so bad that he doesn't even feel the pain anymore.
His thoughts are interrupted by a tiny little scream.

"There she is" the midwife smiles.

She cuts the umbilical cord, wraps her in a towel and lies her down on Veronica's chest.
Archie hasn't even seen her face yet but he's already crying. That little girl right in front of his eyes is his daughter, his princess.

Veronica is crying too. Never did she think she could fall in love with a human being this fast. She runs her fingers through the little raven fuzz while Archie caresses her cheek with his thumb.

"Hello little lady, I'm your mommy" Veronica whispers.

"Do you have a name?" Archie asks. He keeps his eyes on the little girl.

"Valerie" Veronica smiles "Valerie Victoria Lodge"

"It's beautiful Ronnie. It suits her perfectly"


Archie carefully sits up and wraps one arm around Veronica. She doesn't say anything. On the contrary, she leans into his chest. Both stare at little girl in Veronica's arms. A pair of hazel brown eyes stare back at them. Between her eyes is a little button nose and she has a few freckles on her olive skin.

"She's just as beautiful as you are Ronnie" he whispers.

"Archie please don't ruin this moment. Nothing will change between us. Just enjoy looking at this adorable, perfect little baby"

"Sorry" he mumbles and carefully lies his hand down on his daughter's stomach. The little girl immediately grabs his finger. Archie's heart melts. The feeling of Valerie holding his finger is amazing. In that moment he swore himself that he will protect his little girl at all costs. No one will ever hurt her. He will keep her safe and love her and make her happy until the day he dies.
His gaze moves to Veronica. He feels his heart starting to race. The way she smiles down at their little daughter makes him fall more in love with her.


"Mhm" she mumbles but doesn't look at him.

"I know you don't want me to say anything but you did really good. She's absolutely beautiful. You made me a daddy and I want to thank you for that"

She looks up to him and a tiny smile develops on her face. "It takes two to make a baby" she giggles softly before she leans back into his chest. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Yes please"

Veronica turns slowly and lies her daughter down in Archie's arm. His other one is still around her. She has to giggle at how Valerie looks even tinier now. The little girl looks to Veronica and then up to Archie before her eyes slowly shut.

Archie smiles widely "I know I've said it a million times already but she's so perfect"

"I agree"  Veronica yawns.

"You should rest Ronnie. This whole thing was exhausting"

He doesn't get an answer.

"Ronnie?" he asks again and looks down to her. He smiles when he sees her asleep, cuddled into his chest. He doesn't know what he did to deserve this. He broke her heart and she still let him be with her today. To see his daughter being born, was the most magical thing he has ever experienced. He enjoys holding both of the girls he loves because he knows once Veronica is awake again, he won't be allowed to touch her. He kisses his daughter's forehead and then turns to Veronica.

"Thank you" he whispers and kisses the crown of her head.

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