Chapter 16: Double Date!(or Trouble)

Start from the beginning

He raised an eyebrow at both Trevor and me, while Jenny continued to smirk and cling to him.

"Adams." I heard Trevor say, but he wasn't smiling anymore, as I could see his jaw clench.

"Anderson," Ryan replied equally in a cold tone.

Okay, what was going on here. They clearly didn't like each other, but why?
Before I could ask anything though, Jenny blurted out;

"Oh, I just had a perfect idea. Since we're both here on a date, why don't we have it together, like a double date!" She squealed, and I wasn't why she seemed so excited.

I stared wide-eyed at Trevor to do something. I did not want to sit at the same table with her. I'd rather eat on the floor.

"Jenny, thanks, but we'd like to be alone." Trevor quickly told her while Ryan stood there and said nothing.

"Come on, Trevor. No need to feel shy. It's just going to be us, and it's going to be fun." She walked, quite elegantly in her heels into the restaurant, while I glanced at Trevor, wondering what was happening. He only shrugged, and we three had no choice but to follow her in.

"We would like a table for four, please," Jenny said to a waiter before we were all escorted to our table. Trevor sat beside me, while Jenny opposite Trevor, and Ryan, me. Great, now I had to endure his glare all night. What was his problem with me, anyway? He was always glaring at me.

This wasn't the kind of a date I wanted, where I had to sit opposite my ex-best friend and his bitchy girlfriend that I hated, by the way.

I could feel Trevor was tense beside me, and Ryan also sat rigid opposite me. They were both throwing glares occasionally at each other, and I wondered if maybe something had happened between them in the past.

"I'm glad you guys are together," Jenny said all of a sudden, not caring that there was a glaring contest going on between the two males at the table. "This way, you won't be able to sink your claws into what isn't yours." She glanced at me as she said that, making it clear that she was talking about me.

I balled my fist under the table and was going to give her a piece of my mind when I heard Trevor let out a humorless laugh.

"You know, it's funny you said that. Considering your boyfriend is the one who likes to take things that doesn't belong to him." He glared then at Ryan this time and I watched a smirk appear on Ryan's lips.

"Is this about me being captain of the football team, Trevor? Because I totally earned that unlike you." Ryan said smugly, and I noticed Trevor clenched his fist on the table, looking ready to attack Ryan.

I placed my hand upon his hoping to calm him down, and it worked, because I felt him relax his fist. I glanced up to see Ryan glaring at our hands, and on impulse, I snatched mine away.

I don't know why I did that, but it just felt wrong with Ryan glaring so intently at me. Trevor cocked an eyebrow at me but said nothing as the waiter came to take our orders.

No one said anything while our meals were served until Jenny opened her big out mouth.

"Samantha, right?" She stared at me. "I love your makeup. You look so different."

"Thank you?" I replied, confused as to why she was complimenting me. I thought she hated me.

"You should wear makeup more often. It actually makes you look pretty." She eyed me with a fake smile.

"Excuse me?" I threw daggers at her through my eyes, wishing I could stab her with my fork. What did she mean by that? Was she insulting me and saying I looked ugly without makeup?

I felt Trevor's hand on my lap, but it was very light. I glanced up at him, to find him staring at me with a small smile like he was trying to tell me to calm down and not say anything to her. So I kept quiet, but I wasn't going to stay at the same table, with this bitch anymore.

"You know what, I'm actually full. Trevor, why don't we go talk a walk, in the park instead." I stood up, while Trevor followed suit.

"Leaving so soon? But you've barely touched your dinner. No wonder you're so skinny." She had a smirk on her face as she said that. She seemed happy she had gotten under my skin, but I wasn't letting her off that easy.

"You know...being fat is bad for a girl. It makes you look...older. You should try going on a diet. It'll help.", I smirked at her and watched the smile vanish from her lips, replaced by a scowl.

I glanced at Ryan, who had silently been sitting there and enjoying the show. He hadn't even acted as if he knew me before. He'd only glared at Trevor and me all through. Why did he hate me? I thought we had talked it out and that we were okay now. Are we ever going to go back to how things were?

I shook my head and walked out of the restaurant with Trevor behind me.

"I'm so sorry, Samantha. This wasn't how I planned the night. It was just going to be two of us, and..." Trevor started to ramble, giving me a headache.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault. That bitch spoiled it, not you." I consoled him with a smile.

"Still want to go for that walk?" He asked and took my hand. But I didn't feel like going anywhere anymore, tonight. The night was already ruined for me. I just wanted to go home and lay in my bed.

"I actually have a headache and would like to lie down," I told him, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you need any medications? I could..."

"No, I'm fine." I interrupted him. "Just take me home." He nodded, and together, we walked to his car.

He dropped me off while still apologizing, even though I had told him times without number that it hadn't been his fault.

I walked into the living room, still trying to wrap my head around what had happened tonight. Why was my luck so bad that I ran into Ryan and Jenny, tonight of all night? Why me?

I saw my parents in the living room watching their favorite show, and I put a smile on my face, not wanting them to know tonight had been a disaster.
"That was quick," Dad commented, earning a nudge from mum's elbow.

"And how was my baby's date?" She asked with a big smile on her face.

"It was...eventful," I replied, and tried to walk past them as fast as possible, to avoid their questions. I hurried up to my room to find it empty. Alex and Jane must have left after I did.

I flopped on my bed, feeling depressed, even though I didn't know why. But every time I see or think of Ryan and Jenny together, it sickened me. Why was he dating someone like her of all people? Couldn't he had gone for someone who isn't, I don't know, a bitch?!

I didn't know how long I laid there still dressed in my navy blue gown until I heard a knock on my door. I groaned, not wanting to talk to mum or dad right now, but I didn't want them to suspect something was wrong.

"I'm coming." I sang aloud when I heard the person's consistent knocking.

But when I opened the door, I didn't see mum or dad. In fact, I wasn't expecting to see who I did.



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Have a nice weak.


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