New Beginnings

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Hayley sighed happily, cuddling up in Klaus' arms, and watched TV. He looked down at Hayley, thinking quietly about anything really.

He thought of their pasts, and what they went through to get to this moment, the pain, the love, the anger. All for the girl lying in his arms, all so she could live.

And to be fair, it was something he could live with.

Hayley got up, hearing her phone, and saw a number flash on the screen. Answering, Hayley put her hand on her hip and spoke. "Yeah? Oh okay. Don't worry, I'm on my way over there now."

Hayley hung up quickly, finding her jacket, and shrugging it on.

"Everything okay? Yeah, just gotta get my stuff before people come and steal it. I just don't know where to put it.

Put it here. What? Put it here." Klaus stood, looking into her eyes, and grabbing her hands.

"I love you, Hayley and I want you to be by my side. You can stay with us. I'm sure your friends will agree. Then, when you're ready, we can to New Orleans.

But my friends are here. Hayley, you are immortal now. You'll have all the time in the world to visit them, but for now you must think of you for once.

Just...stay with me."

Klaus smiled, thinking of ways to persuade her.

"We'll travel all over the world. I'll show you my favorite places, we could go to Paris, Rome, Tokyo."

Klaus said, and Hayley smirked. "We'll go everywhere you want, and we'll come back to visit.

We'll even try to find your family." Hayley stood taller at this, before widening her smirk into a smile.

"Fine. But I want you to promise that'll you'll never leave me."

Klaus kissed her, his hands wrapping around her waist, and hers touching his cheeks lightly.

Pulling away, he kept his eyes closed, whispering to her.

"You and I will stay together until the end of time."

Many people in my life have left me.

It wasn't that they hate me though. It was more like they loved me and wanted to save me from the darkest parts of myself.

Hayley drove to her house, and began packing it up. Clearing out the last room, she found a photo of her, and Tyler when they were 15, smiling into the camera, arms across each others shoulders.

She smiled sadly at it, remembering that she was going to leave him soon.

Others not so much. At times, it's like they hated me for what occurred because of my power or for them loving me. Yet, none of it was my fault.

Hayley found another photo, with Cleo and her, at 6, both wore costumes. Hayley was Little Red Riding Hood, and Cleo was Medusa.

It wasn't theirs either but, they blamed me. They denied it so much, they just started thinking that their friend's and family's deaths are my fault.

Caroline, Tyler, Elena, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie and so many others, they never saw me that way. They saw themselves in me, and helped me. They would die for me, if meant I survived for another day.

Hayley laughed along with her friend's, clapping at the joke, leaning on Klaus for support, before grabbing her drink and sipping it. She snorted, making everyone around her laugh along with her.

Those people help me. They save me from the battles I fight everyday, whether it be dealing with blood, or fighting inner demons.

Hayley gripped Klaus' hand then let go, walking over to Tyler, Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, Stefan, and Damon.

It was a week after and Hayley decided it was their time to go.  She wanted to say goodbye first.

She hugged the Salvatores first.

She held their shoulders, talking. "Damon and Stefan Salvatore. I've known both of you for years now. And seeing you two here, saying goodbye means a lot to me.

Especially you Damon. You realy aren't one to say goodbye." Hayley and Damon laughed before she hugged them again, and went over to Tyler.

"Ty. You are like one of the bests friends I've ever had. You and I have been together since you came to the Appalachians. Since then, you have been the absolute worst at every game we have played."

Hayley and Tyler laughed. He wiped his tears, and Hayley hugged him.

"Tyler Lockwood. You better call me, and tell me if you find someone. If you don't I will personally hunt you down, and beat your ass."

Hayley said, pulling away, before facing her girl friends.

She wiped her mouth, before motioning them in for a hug. The three crying girls made their way toward the hybrid.

She pulled them closer, and sobbed. She didn't want to leave them. They were too good of people.

"God, you three better tell me everything! Every crush, every battle, every single one."

She said, when she pulled away, and they smiled at her.

"I love you girls. My sisters. I will come back, and when I do, we are going to have the absolute best girls night out.

Do you hear me? Spas, shopping, dine in, carnival rides, and best of all, sleepovers."

Hayley promised.

"Just, wait for me."

Hayley said, and they all nodded saying okay. Turning away, she walked back towards Klaus' side, and he opened the car door for her.

Once inside, he waved, and went to the driver side. She smiled over at him, and gripped his hand.

"Ready to go? As ready as I can be."

Hayley said, and tightened her grip on his hand, as he drove away from her family, her home.

Passing the Mystic Falls sign, she smiled.

I intend to live my life to the fullest with Klaus. But that, is the beginning of another story.

As The Moon Rises {Book One In The Klayley Trilogy}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora