The Ripper Of Throats

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When Klaus and Hayley ventured out into the night, he showed her the basics. How to resist the urge to feed on people, compulsion, the way you present yourself to them, and finally, to feed.

Hayley was bent over someone feeding heavily, as Klaus sat with a woman in his lap, drinking. He pulled away just in time for him to see blood splatter right in front of him, and saw a head roll into his vision.

Looking up he saw a devastated Hayley looking down at the headless corpse.


She cut him off, reaching for the head, and trying to reattach it. "Hayley, she's gone. Hayley-

I am so so sorry, I-I didn't want-

Hayley!" She dropped the head and looked over at him. He got up slowly and walked over. She started to cry, and dropped the body.

"I didn't mean to! I swear I was just so hungry and-

Hayley." Klaus called her calmly reaching for her. When he got closer, he saw that he hands were shaking and she was trembling.

He grabbed her face and looked into her eyes. "You will forget this. All you remember is that you passed your feeding lesson with flying colors, and you did not kill this woman.

I didn't kill her." She spoke emotionless, and Klaus nodded.

"Good, now rest."

Hayley fell into Klaus, and he lowered her to the ground. He looked to the damage, and started to clean up the mess.

He healed his victim first, before compelling her. Then he took the corpse and burned it in the nearby dumpster.

He looked over to Hayley who slept peacefully on the ground, and plucked her up off the ground. Her head landed against his chest, and her arm unconsciously swung across his shoulders. Her other arm sat in her lap, and Klaus looked down at her. She was so beautiful while sleeping. Even with blood on her hands, to him it suited her, somehow.

Klaus walked her home, and Caroline was awake in the living room.

"Hey! How'd it go? Hold on, I've got to put this one to sleep." He said and went to go lay Hayley down in her bed.

When Klaus got back he crossed his arms.

"What? Caroline, this is bad. Really bad. What's wrong Klaus? Hayley may be a ripper. What?" Caroline whisper yelled at him, and Klaus sighed.

"We were doing fine, and I looked up to see a head roll into my vision. When I looked up, Hayley's victim was headless.

Oh my God.

Hayley's a ripper."

When Hayley woke up the next morning, the first thing she saw was, the sun shining in her eyes.

She squinted, and sat up. She looked down and saw she was in her bed and looked around.

She yawned and went into the bathroom to shower, but when she looked into the mirror, she saw blood on her clothes, hands and lips.

She screamed, jumping back. "Hayley!?" She heard Tyler but didn't respond until he came in and saw her. She looked over at him, and cried, whispering silently.

"What did I do?"

Hayley sat on the couch, in new clothes, and staring down at her clean hands as Tyler talked with Klaus and Caroline in the kitchen, with water on so she couldn't hear.

"What happened? While we were feeding, Hayley's victim's head was severed from her body, and Hayley tried to fix it.

And I had to make her forget. Why? She's a new hybrid, Tyler. On top of that, she's already killed innocent people on accident, do you know how this could destroy her?

She might even try to kill herself, because she's convinced she's a monster.

She wouldn't."

As those three argued about what to do about Hayley's current situation, Hayley looked to the fire.

"I'm a monster."

She spoke silently to herself and looked back at her hands. She couldn't remember what happened the night before, but she knows she killed someone.

Klaus entered the room, and Hayley looked at him.

"You compelled me didn't you?" She asked, and he nodded. "I can give the memory back-

Keep it." She cut him off, standing. "I don't want it." She said and walked out the room, and towards her own, leaving Klaus to stare after her.

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