The End Result

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When Klaus pulled away from Bonnie, he stood shocked at what he just witnessed.

He felt so much pain, but when he saw Hayley's story, he felt bad for thinking that his story was worse than hers.

Bonnie pulled away from the wall, and everyone awakened from the dream like state. "I didn't expect that. None of us did.

The pain Hayley went through... no wonder she didn't want to tell us. All her life people have been taken from her."

Caroline said, and everyone silently agreed.

"I'm glad you think that way."

Everyone was on guard and looked to see Greta standing there. She was smirking with her arms crossed.

"Where is she? Where you'll never find her. I've got guards all around this place.

You can't save her from what the prophecy says.

That isn't a prophecy, Greta. This is a ritual, one you don't have the power to do.

My ancestor-

Your ancestor read it alright, but what they were reading was a ritual.

It's a ritual to summon the goddess and only Hayley and her people can summon her.

It's telling you not to interfere or you will be killed. They're warning you. It will kill you."

Hayley felt sluggish and heavy. Her damp hair clung to her dirtied face, as she sat in her chair. Her arms rested on the armrests, as wolfsbane was pumped into her system.

Her head was cocked to the side, and her eyes were barely open. She couldn't even move, her whole body was numb.

She felt the slow agonizing burn of the wolfsbane, but didn't move. She couldn't.

She whimpered helplessly. She gripped the armrests, determined to get out of there, when she realized she'd never leave.

She was stuck there until she dies, and no one will come to save her, because she's a monster.

'I am a monster.'

She thought to herself, as her eyes closed slowly.

Her mind screamed at her not to close her eyes, to keep them open, telling her that people care and want her alive.

But she was so tired. So tired of Greta chasing her, and so tired of people dying for her sake.

She was so tired of life. All she wants is to go to sleep.

When her eyes finally did close, she felt nothing. She couldn't feel the pain from her body, she didn't feel anything.

All she felt was peace.

Until it was gone, when she was shaken awake. When Hayley's eyelids dragged themselves open, she came face to face with someone familiar.

"Cleo? Hey Hayley, I'm getting you out of here."

Cleo untied Hayley from the chair, and unhooked her from the wolfsbane. She slipped from Cleo's grasp, but Elijah caught her.

"I've got you. You're safe." Hayley spoke and Elijah looked at her.

He examined her face, that held so much pain, and her eyes that looked so broken.

"We're here Hayley, and we'll stop Greta. I give you my word."

Elijah said, before picking her up bridal style and walking out the room littered with the fallen men.

Klaus felt his phone vibrate but didn't look. He automatically knew it was Elijah saying he had Hayley.

"It's over Greta, Hayley will never give up her power. Oh see that's the glory of it all, I can just take it, whether she wants to or not."

Greta smirked, raising her hand, and throwing fire at them.

Bonnie acted fast and threw her hands up, making a barrier spell. "You don't hold a candle against me, Bennett witch!

I can sure as hell try!" Bonnie yelled, raising her palms throwing a 'motus' her way.

Greta was thrown back, but she stood smirking.

"That won't do much, witch. I have taken the power from the Mikealson Witch and your mother, Bennet."

Bonnie stood taller, hearing Greta say what she did.

"I will end you. Oh if you do, I take your precious Hayley with me."

As she said it, Hayley was being dragged in by Cleo who had no emotion on her face.

She didn't struggle, her hair stuck to her face. She had chains, and her mouth had blood on it.

She was thrown to the ground, and she landed on her knees, tilting her head.

"How could you Cleo? You got my parents killed. I'd never forgive you for that. You destroy everything around you. Your best off dead."

Klaus growled, about to attack when Cleo forced him back.

"Don't try it, Klaus. How could you betray us? Did you even care for her?! Yes, until Greta made me realize she took my parents from me.

I could never love a monster like her."

Hayley only sat numbly on the floor, listening to the person who she thought loved her.

Hayley didn't feel betrayed, she felt nothing. When she spoke, it surprised everyone.

"Do it." Hayley glared at Greta. Klaus went to stop her, but she cut him off. "Take my power so this can end. You want it so bad, take it."

Greta ginned at Hayley, pulling her to her feet. "Good. Let us begin, Hayley."

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