Take my hand and never be afraid again 9

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I slept soundly and the next day the couriers came. Frank helped me un pack my books and CDs. He helped me unpack the photos and the photo albums, I told him so many stories. We had a very good time and Frank helped me hang a couple photos of myself and my parents around the house.

This very much felt like home.

Frank and I sat down to dinner, that I cooked - Spaghetti.

We were halfway through when Frank got a phone call.

"WHAT?" he yelled before hanging up. He looked at me, "I have to go"

"What's going on?" I asked

"I don't have time to explain, but I need to get to Gerard's house" Frank said

"I'm coming" I said, dropping my fork.

"No" Frank said

"You don't have time to argue with me, let's go!" I yelled, putting my coat on.

We sped to Gerard's house and could hear crashing coming from inside.

Frank jumped out of the car and I was in close pursuit. We ran through to front door to find Ray trying to break up Mikey and Gerard who were throwing punches at each other.

Frank ran up to Ray and tried to help. I didn't know what to do so I stood there and watched. Then out of the fray came Frank, having been punched in the face. I got so angry. I ducked under Ray, got in between Mikey and Gerard, put one hand on each of their chests and pushed as hard as I could. That separated them enough and then I yelled, "STOP"

Both men looked at me and stopped instantly, neither wanting to hurt me.

"Look what you have done" I said. I looked at Mikey and then at Gerard. Gerard was livid. I'd seen him angry just never at me and never this angry. His hair was a mess. I looked back at Mikey whose glasses were skewed and his top torn.

"Everybody sit down" I said. Mikey huffed and I put my hands on my hips, "I wasn't asking Mikey, now find a spot and SIT"

Every body sat down. I went through the archway to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of frozen vegetables out of the freezer. I went back into the lounge room and gave them to Frank, then sat down in between him and Gerard, which seemed to be my usual place.

"Alright, does someone want to catch me up?" Frank asked, looking between Mikey and Gerard.

Mikey looked at me and said to Frank, "Can we get some privacy please?"

Frank looked at me, thinking.

"I'd like to stay, if I may. I think I've proved my usefulness and I don't know what's going on so have no pre conceived notions" I said

Frank raised an eye brow and looked at Mikey, "Well, she has proved her usefulness"

I glanced at Gerard and he was still glaring at Mikey. I moved my hand to the side of my leg so that it looked like my hand was just on the side on my leg, but it was touching Gerards as well. He barely took his eyes off Mikey for a second.

Mikey huffed, "Fine. Look Frank, I know we said we weren't going confront him, but I couldn't help myself. If he is going down this road again we need to stop him now! He almost killed himself last time!"

"Mikey, we don't have any proof! What were you thinking?" Ray asked, "I told you it was a bad idea"

"Well think about it. He didn't show up for writing sessions, he is disappearing constantly. He just dropped off the face of the earth for a week claiming illness and hes become secretive and distracted. On top of that he is always looking at his phone and texting someone who he then refuses to tell us who it is and has the messages locked"

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