Take my hand and never be afraid again 6

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I dreamt I was walking around the car park of the grounds hiding from reporters. Suddenly they all came out of nowhere and were shoving pictures in my face, of my parents. I turned to run away but came face to face with the corpses of my parents.

"Why don't you want people to know about us?"

"Are you ashamed of us?"

I opened my mouth, "No I'm not. I just don't want everyone's fake pity"

"Why would you be so worried about that it will die down and we get remembered. Why do you hate us?"

"I don't"

"You've gotten over us like we never existed"

Then they started walking closer, reaching out for me. They backed me into a corner and started grabbing at me trying to pull me somewhere. They felt slimy and gross and they left dead skin on my arm. When I saw that I screamed....

"KATYA" Someone yelled.

I opened my eyes and scrambled up. I closed my mouth and it was oddly silent. I had been screaming again. I remembered my dream and closed my eyes. The image of the way my parents looked flashed through my head along with the image of their slimy dead skin on my arm.

I felt two tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Katya, open your eyes" A voice instructed.

I opened them to find Patrick in front of me.

"Are you okay? Anything we can get you?" Pete asked.

"Frank, I want Frank" I mumbled, my voice cracking.

I held in my tears as long as I could, a few escaping. My breathing was ragged and I every time I blinked I saw glimpses of my dream. I dropped to my knees and looked at the floor.

I heard the bus door re open and suddenly all the guys were there and Frank was kneeling in front of me.

"Katya, are you okay?" he asked grabbing my shoulders.

I shook my head and looked up at him. I could tell by the look on his face he knew what had happened. He had seen this look before.

"I knew those bastards would make something bad happen" Frank growled, as he brought me to his chest hugging me.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly and just bawled my eyes out yet again. I didn't care that fall out boy were there. I needed Frank.

When I was done Frank stood me up and said, "I'm sorry guys, I am not being rude, but you should probably leave"

Everyone just nodded as Frank led me to my bunk and lay me down on my bed. He sat next to me.

"Are you okay now?" He asked

I nodded a little.

"I'm sorry. I know I am acting like a big baby, but these stories are just making everything worse. I thought I was getting better, I don't know what happened" I whispered.

"It's okay. You are allowed to be emotional. You'll never completely get over losing your parents. But you'll be happy again. You'll always remember and love them, but this pain will go away eventually" Frank said.

"Thank you Frank. You have been beyond amazing. Nothing I can do will ever make it up to you. You are a truly amazing guy" I whispered.

"Thank you sweetie" Frank said, "Now, we have to go play, do you want me to get Patrick to come look after you?"

"No, I want to be alone" I answered.

Frank nodded and said, "If you need them just go get them"

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