Take my hand and never be afraid again 7

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Over the next week, Frank and I (sometimes joined by Gerard and Mikey) took Amelia and Zac sightseeing. It was a good opportunity for me to see America as well. Today Frank and Mikey were going to a meeting with the record label. Ray was meeting them there. Someone had to stay with us and Zac asked Gerard if he could take us around today. Zac really had a man crush on Gerard – I thought it was hilarious – Gee not so much.
We went to the zoo.

Amelia and Zac had run off to get more animal feed – we were at the petting zoo. I was kneeling down feeding a baby goat.

Someone knelt next to me and I looked at Gerard.

"Having a good day?" he asked

I nodded and smiled at him.

He sighed and I could see he wanted to kiss me. Instead he put his hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes and sighed softly. A simple gesture but to us it said everything it needed to.

He stood up and walked off and I couldn't help but watch him go. I went back to feeding the goat and then grabbed some food off Amelia when she returned shortly after.

We had dinner and then Amelia suggested we watch movies. Amelia and Zac took the recliners, leaving Gerard and I on the couch. During the first part of the movie Amelia kept glancing at me. When she saw me catch her she smirked. As the movie went on we all focused on that. I noticed Gerard look at me and I looked back and smiled. He subtly moved forward and put his arm over my shoulder. I leaned back into him.

After the movie Amelia and Zac went to bed. I got the feeling Zac wasn't tired but Amelia winked at me and dragged him upstairs.

Gerard and I looked at each other and smiled, "Finally" he growled. I giggled softly as he walked over to me, lifted me up and placed me on the kitchen counter, where I had just dumped the empty popcorn bowl. His lips met mine, roughly. His kiss was needy, hot.

I placed my arms around his neck and his hands were on my thighs. We kissed with everything we'd wanted to say to each other over the last week. When we finally broke apart we were both panting.

"Wow" I said, in between breaths.

Gerard smirked and softly kissed me. He pulled me off the counter so I was standing trapped between him and the counter. Our bodies were pressed closely together. I could feel him against me and it was incredibly hot. Gerard grabbed my hand and led me to the couch.

"We need to put a movie on" he said, turning the TV on. Some reality show was on.

"Oh, okay" I said, obviously disappointed.

"I'm sorry Katya, but if we continue on that course, I think there is only so long I can keep myself at bay. I want you all to myself too much" Gerard said.

I turned around and put my hand on his chest, "What would be so wrong with that?"

Gerard looked shell shocked, "I just want you to be ready. I don't want you to regret me"

"I could never regret you" I whispered

Gerard growled and kissed me again. I kissed him back with everything I had, letting my hands wander. I felt his back, his sides, I let my hands wander through his hair. We ended up on the couch, him lying on top of me.

His hands were busy as well. He felt every inch of me that he could reach. I could feel his arousal. I myself had never been so aroused. I wanted nothing more than to have him, to claim him as mine at that very moment.

I put my hand under his shirt and he moaned. We were both so worked up every touch was electrifying. I was so 'in the moment' that I didn't even consciously remember taking Gerards' shirt off.

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