"Touya..." | Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Go to hell Father." Dabi shouted, blue flames incinerating Endeavor's body in one quick motion.

Todoroki's phone clattered to the floor.

"And Shouto, if you're watching, this man will never hurt you again."

Todoroki clenched his fists.




"Touya..." Todoroki whispered. A hush fell over the common room, quiet and unnerving.

"Whose Touya?" Kirishima asked, shattering the silence softly.

"M-my brother. H-he's supposed to be dead." Todoroki explained. His face was a deathly pale, frost creeping over his right cheek.

"Some of the things Dabi said... did Endeavor-" Mina began.

"Leave it. Todoroki, come with me." Aizawa cut her off, guiding Todoroki out the room and into the kitchen.

"Are you sure it's Touya?" Aizawa asked once Todoroki was sat at one of the dining stools. The ravenette had sat opposite him, resting his hands on the table.

"Y-yeah. The things he said- it's got to be him." Todoroki stuttered out, leg bouncing up and down under the table.

"Ah yes, the things he said are... concerning." Aizawa continued.


"... Did your father abuse your family?"

"Y-yes." The teen finally admitted.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Aizawa pushed.

"I-I didn't think anyone would believe me... and he was trying to be better." Todoroki sighed as his phone rang noisily. "That'll be my sister."

"You can answer it." Aizawa smile slightly as Todoroki accepted the call.

"SHOUTO! WAS THAT TOUYA? HE KILLED FATHER!" Fuyumi screeched down the line.

"I-it's not confirmed... but by what he said I think that was him." Todoroki admitted.

"The house is being surrounded by reporters." Fuyumi sighed. "You should stay inside the dorms."

"Ah, okay. Goodbye."

"Bye, I love you, Shou." Fuyumi hung up leaving a heavy tension between Aizawa and the teen.

"Go to your room, rest this off." Aizawa ordered gently and Todoroki happily obliged. Then the pro resigned to his fate of looking at the UA teachers' groupchat.

PresentMic: Yo, is Dabi like a Todoroki or somethin?
Cementoss: some of the things he said... was Endeavor abusive?
Midnight: Why didn't Shouto Todoroki tell us then?!
Cementoss: Well, he would hardly trust heroes if what Dabi said was true.
PresentMic: He was only five when he got his scar?!
Midnight: It must've been traumatic
Cementoss: Nezu is figuring out what to do.
Nezu: I am.
Eraserhead: Todoroki reluctantly confirmed the abuse.
Midnight: I feel terrible that he didnt think he could come to us
Eraserhead: it's not your fault. That flaming trashbag probably left him with trust issues
AllMight: is young Todoroki okay now?
Eraserhead: Hes resting in his room
AllMight: you shouldnt leave him alone right now
Eraserhead: what's he gonna do?
PresentMic: escape to go see Dabi in person?
Eraserhead: hes not that irrational
AllMight: he aided in Bakugou's rescue
Eraserhead: shit, that is true, I'll go check on him
Midnight: go!

Aizawa slammed his phone down on the countertop, jumping up and racing to the fifth floor. He knew Todoroki was typically level-headed, but this family turmoil always seemed to effect him on a higher level.

"Todoroki." Aizawa called, knocking neatly on the teen's door.

No answer.

He knocked harder.

"Todoroki! Open the door now, or I'm coming in!" Aizawa ordered. He could not help the desperation from seeping into his tone.

Still no response.

With a curse, he rammed his shoulder against the door. Surprisingly or not, it was not locked. He pushed into the room, glancing around for Todoroki, only to find him gone. And his dorm window was wide open.

Aizawa sprinted back down the stairs, grabbing his phone off the kitchen countertop and pulling up the teachers' groupchat again.

Eraserhead: He's gone!

Midnight: I'll get security on high alery

Cementoss: He could probably scale the security wall with his ice.

Nezu: I must admit, this is bad. Every faculty member, I want you searching the campus.

AllMight: No need, look at the television.

Rushing into the common room, Aizawa stared at the TV along with the other students.

Todoroki and Dabi were hugging amongst piles of rubble, while surrounding pro heroes tried to approach and arrest the villain. However, signature blue flames always warned them off, but never hurting the teen.

A reporter's quirk was used to get high quality footage and audio, allowing the quietest of whispers to be picked up.

"Did you miss me, Shou?" Dabi murmured, thumb drifting over Todoroki's hair.

"Why did you leave m-me with him?" Todoroki asked, clutching the villain's ratty jacket.

"So I could get rid of him, one and for all. It was the only way to free us, lil bro." Dabi explained in a whisper.


"Remeber when we told the police? How they laughed and told the old man? And how he beat us for it? How he gave you a concussion and broke 6 of my ribs?" Dabi questioned softly. His scarred arms were wound tight around Todoroki's trembling form.

"B-beat them?!" Ashido gasped.

"How did I not realise this?" Iida asked, frowning.

"Actually, you probably don't remember it." Dabi continued. "You were only 5."

"Five." Bakugou spat angrily. "IcyHot was only five, and that flaming bastard gave him a fucking concussion."

"This is horrible." Yaoyorozu whispered. Tsuyu, Uraraka and her were all holding onto each other's arms tightly.

Rage boiled in Aizawa's stomach. He did not feel any sorrow for Endeavor's death. And that was the first time he hated someone so much he was glad they met a terrible fate.

"I love you Touya..." Todoroki whispered. "But you're a villain and I... I have a duty."


"I'm sorry." With that, Todoroki stepped back and encased Dabi in ice up to his neck. "I am so so sorry."

"It's okay, baby brother." Dabi smiled sadly, making no move to use his quirk to escape. Instead, he spoke a sentence that brought tears to everyone's eyes:




"You're still my little hero."




A/N: Would you like part 2?

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