Special Categories Results

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Thanks to all the judges who helped us find the special categories results. You all are brilliant and here is your chance to win another award. People, this are just view point of the judges, so don't fret over it. So, on to the results;

For Best Cover we have two winners,
AdriannaRaines3172 and GoldenUnseen for their books Mysteries and Mayhem and The Lone Home! Congratulations!

For Best Title we again have,
adretaRyder for her book Vanguard Vixen!

For Best Antagonist and Protagonist we have,
FeministWitch_13 for her book The Other World!!!

Congratulations all winners! Pm devianmisfit for you stickers!

- From the Admins of SavantGirls 💘💃💘💘💃💃

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