Chapter Thirty Two

Começar do início

I placed my hand on his shoulder, "You alright?"

He sighed, "No. Honest to the goddess, I don't even know why you were ever friends with him."

"He never used to be like this... but he was always competitive. I don't know what to tell you, I haven't seen him for ages, but I know the Marc I left back in France wouldn't have even challenged you, let alone bid for the Alpha Position." I groaned, running a hand over my forehead. "I have complete faith in you. Even though you haven't officially become Alpha, I would be willing to bet you'll still win."

He leaned his head back, "I'm not so sure,"

I grabbed onto his shoulders, looking him dead in the eye, "I don't want to hear nonsense from you Orion, you will win and if I hear one more derogatory word come out of your mouth then I swear to the goddess I will leave you right now!"

That seemed to change his mood, "Well, we can't have that can we?" He pulled me forward, placing a chaste kiss on my lips, winking as he drew away. "For good luck. I suppose I'll see you when I win?"

"You will," I confirmed with a nod of my head, "Now go on, you would have less than a minute until it's due to start, and we certainly wouldn't want you losing via disqualification."

"No, we couldn't. Have no fear Thea, this little spit will be over in a minute," Orion promised, practically oozing with fake confidence as he walked away, flexing his fingers.

I couldn't tell whether it was out of nerves or preparation.

I leaned back against the wall, pulling my hair out from behind my back and onto the side. My breaths came out in shallow huffs as I watched Orion walk up onto the stage. He leaned back against the ropes cooly, waiting for the bells to ring.

My eyes slid over to Marc, now beginning to move up onto the stage. He matched my gaze, gave a wink before heading up the stairs, dropping his towel and water bottle onto the floor, the people close jumping back as the water sprayed all over their feet.

Orion and Marc stared at each other, having an entire conversation through one malicious glare. I wish I could know what was being said, and even though no words were being spoken, the tension between them was just as thick, a strange mixture of confidence and determination, hinted with anxiety.

A loud chime echoed through the arena, sending everyone into a hushed silence. Marc and Orion took their positions, standing strong with their arms behind their backs, ready to fight. I watched as Orion's back muscles tensed, the slow rise in Marc's eyebrow and the slow tap of fingertips against raw, sweaty skin.

The announcer walked onto the stage.

He gave a curt bow to Orion and a nod of acknowledgment to Marc. He cleared his throat,

"The battle shall begin on my word, and shall only be done in human form. Should our honoured Orion Westbrooke win, he shall keep his position and plans shall go ahead. His challenger, Marceau Couture shall be banished from the Vindex Pack permanently. However, should the opposite occur, Mr Couture will take Alpha Westbrooke's place as the future Alpha of Vindex." He paused for a moment, pushing himself back against the edge and out of the way of the two men baring to fight. "On my whistle,"

He pulled the whistle to his mouth, and in one sharp breath, it erupted with a strong, sharp tone.

Neither Orion nor Marc wasted any time.

I held my breath, barely breathing as I watched them. Both were injuring each other, neither safe from the other's determined defence. A fist in Marc's eye, a knee in Orion's leg, both moving so quickly that I could barely see what was happening. I could already see the bruises forming, blood splattering and skin tearing. I tried to focus on exactly what was happening, but it was practically impossible,

Star Crossed Liars  ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora